Celtic youths

Frail's delight for goal hero Tony Watt


Youth boss Stevie Frail was delighted to see Tony Watt net his first ever Celtic goal in today’s 3-0 win over Rangers at Murray Park.

The former Airdrie striker has had no luck in front of goal since his January transfer with all sorts of circumstances combining to prevent him getting off the mark.

Watt will miss out on the SFA Youth Cup Final against Rangers on April 27 but made his mark on the fixture today by drilling in Celtic’s second goal to highlight an all round outstanding performance.

It’s never easy to play as the sole striker but we felt that Tony had the attributes for job,” Frail explained. “We had a few other options such as Greig Spence who was last season’s top scorer but the decision to go with Tony worked out well. He took his goal well and I’m delighted for him.

He has only just arrived at the club but he wants to be here and that’s a big plus. He’s a supporter but that brings it’s own pressure as well.

His fitness has improved a vast amount and a lot of the credit for that goes to Ian Coll our fitness coach. You can see the difference in Tony’s game.

He played a big part today but if we are to win the league then it’ll be down to the whole squad, everyone has a part to play and you don’t win anything with eleven players.

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  • wb says:

    Tony Watt’s best game. maybe better up front on his own, as he was poor v Accies in a 4-4-2 formation.
    Defense was ‘water tight’ Rangers didn’t have a clue how to open them up and Celtic were very comfortable throughout the game, hope the Cup Final will be as easy..

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