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Brown warns SFA he’ll walk away in referee row

Image for Brown warns SFA he’ll walk away in referee row

John Brown newsJohn Brown has warned the SFA that he’ll quit football if he is punished for his outburst at referee Alan Muir.

The Dundee boss slammed Muir’s decision to award Aberdeen a penalty when Peter Pawlett dived as the worst decision that he’s ever seen.

After ensuring that no managers swore at the weekend the SFA are likely to turn their attention to the comments of the Dundee boss who hadn’t calmed down when he discussed the incident again on Radio Scotland last night.

Asked what he’d have done if his own player had dived Brown replied: “I’d take him off right away. And if I feel as though the SFA would punish me for any outburst about any referee then I’d walk away from football.

“It’s our livelihoods. It’s the players’ livelihoods. Players are going to lose their jobs, staff around Dens Park are possibly going to lose their jobs.

“It was a high-profile game, a massive game. Surely they could change the officials and get the top officials?

“He is a young player and he’s got previous but you have officials out there to deal with that,” said Brown, who has lost just one of his nine SPL games in charge.

“It was a blatant dive. He was diving with two feet before he has even come near the player.

“I’m not too concerned about the player, I’m concerned about the officials. The officials are the ones that have cost us the game.

“I have never seen a blatant a dive in a long time. The referee is 20 yards away, the assistant referee is just behind that. Surely he can see that?

“Dundee had an opportunity to take this down to another weekend and it was taken out of our hands by a diabolical decision. I’m still very bitter about it. Maybe the guy’s okay, a decent referee, but he made a massive mistake.

“I’ve been happy with the referees. We had some dodgy decisions, in the cup game against Dundee United the ball was out the park and they got a free-kick and got a goal from it.

“I’ve not complained about too many referees, in general they have been spot-on. I had a gripe about yesterday because it was a major decision.”

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  • Ciaran says:

    Watching Paulo Di Canio last night, it is clear to see there are different rules at every game depending on where you are and WHO you are. DiCanio charging onto the park during the game! That’s just passion, “we all love to see that” say the commentators. Kicking water bottles rarely gets a mention, and if it does it’s a lighthearted remark. There are many managers who behave a little boisterously in the technical area, many who criticise officials. It’s not right, but it’s allowed up to a point. Football is a highly emotional game.
    However, there are very few managers whose every move and word is scrutinised to such a degree as Neil Francis.
    Brown may well be punished, we’ll see, but will he be discriminated against? Doubt it.

  • eastside says:

    Nice to see Zoomer Broon on the receiving end of a diabolical honest mistake, considering he played for Honest Mistake FC he can go whistle for sympathy!

  • Joe says:

    Methinks he looketh for a way oot! But they don’t do walking away, so I must be wrong.

  • Andy says:

    Brown’s teammate McCoist was the ultimate dive machine its nice to see a little bit of payback.

  • Frank McGaaaaarvey says:

    “But this is ra stadium that a managed fur, an we ur pure gonnae be goin doon noo an’ a want tae see ra title deeds n’ awrat!”

  • sands1888 says:

    A filthy manky hun making ultimatums to the sfa? Surely not, scumbag cheating hun, karmas a bitch eh

  • Busterhoop says:

    don’t let the door hit yer arse on the way oot Screwball.

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