WOW! Dunfermline send referee howler viral

Dunfermline have decided to shame Myles Hippolyte and Gavin Duncan by posting a video clip of the latest diving/referee outrage on social media.

On Facebook the diving clip had been viewed over 70,000 times overnight as word got out that there was competition for Alex Schalk and Don Robertson.

Challenging for a ball on the edge of the six yard box Pars keeper Sean Murdoch got a hand to the ball with Hippolyte out-doing Schalk by then doing a forward roll to emphasise the ‘contact’.

Amazingly referee Duncan decided that there had been contact and awarded a penalty.

After last week’s controversy involving Robertson referee chief John Fleming faces another difficult week trying to account for the decision making of one of his referees.

Some marginal decisions can clearly be argued either way allowing the ‘split second judgement/ they don’t have multiple cameras’ line to be trotted out.

With referees like Robertson and Duncan reaching the top levels it seems that things are going to get worse before they get better.

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