King escapes charges

The source of the Charlotte Fakes twitter account won’t be prosecuted for stealing data belonging to Craig Whyte.

According to a report in The Sun William Stevenson acquired the data between 2013 and 2014 and sold the information on to Dave King for £20,000.

King then had the details leaked to discredit various characters in the Ibrox soap opera as he drove the share price down from 90p to 20p before leading his concert party to power in March 2015.

Details of the data theft came to light during Whyte’s trial earlier this year but with King involved it seems that there is no appetite for further mud raking at Ibrox.

The Charlotte Fakes account was closed down at various times as documents, emails and audio recordings were released relating to various incidents covering Whyte, Dave Murray and Charles Green.

In June Whyte, a former billionaire, was found not guilty on a charge of fraudulently buying the club for £1 in May 2011, however he never got his £1 back.

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