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Sevco paranoia is spreading


Sevco fans are in full paranoia mood after the SFA offered Bruno Alves a two match ban for kicking out at Louis Moult during the Betfred Cup defeat from Motherwell.

With a typically furious club statement claiming that agendas are involved the ‘no one likes us we don’t care’ element have been out in force.

There can be no debating the fact that Alves deserves a suspension but the secrecy behind the SFA procedures doesn’t do them any favours.

Ryan Bowman seems to most folk to be worthy of a suspension but it seems that leniency has set in to allow him to play in the final.

Sunday’s match seems to have been the first occasion this season that the SFA Compliance Officer has decided to intervene, until there is a comprehensive Monday morning review of every top flight match the selective use of retrospective suspensions is going to cause anger sparking the type of reaction above.

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