Celtic and BBC Scotland

Since Monday tea-time there has been an out-flowing of anger from Celtic towards BBC Scotland.

Ploughing through the Paradise Papers the most relevant story was that an Irish businessman was mentioned in connection with the Swiss tax authorities.


The creative minds at the state broadcaster were on to the story and able to throw Celtic into the spotlight although their reports concluded that nothing illegal had happened but mud sticks in the minds of the hard of thinking with all Scottish newspapers running with the story.

The merits of the story and the ‘Old Firm’ agenda being promoted by the state broadcaster have been discussed in detail through social media.

Dermot Desmond’s letter to Mark Daly certainly created a stir but three days later Celtic and their largest shareholder have some decisions to make.

Media bans are rarely effective but there’s little doubt that many Celtic fans would like to see BBC Scotland left outside of club activities.

Like it or not the state broadcaster still has great reach which appeals to all sorts of sponsors.

The growth of social media however gives the club alternative avenues to communicate directly with fans.

There’s little doubt that Celtic will be concerned and discussing the BBC within the club. A clear attempt to smear the club has been committed by the biggest media player in the country, Desmond’s letter specified innuendo.

Taking no action is another option but there are bound to be discussions between the club and the news and sports departments at Pacific Quay.

No one wants a compliant media like they enjoyed at Ibrox during the Murray Years, any club or company needs to be called to account when things aren’t right.

In this case BBC Scotland are bang out of order. If they don’t apologise or face some sanctions then it leaves Celtic wide open to similar attacks from those bearing grudges.

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