Petrie battles to hold onto SFA powerbase

Another power battle has broken out inside the SFA with the old blazers led by Rod Petrie striving to retain their power-base.

Last night Gary Hughes announced that he wouldn’t be seeking re-election as a non-executive director just a fortnight after coming under fire from Dave King.

While the SPFL responded to defend Murdoch MacLennan from attack by the South African based criminal no one inside Hampden said a word to back up Hughes.

Given the chance every credible boardroom in the UK would welcome Hughes ahead of the man firing out statements from his bunker in Joburg.

Petrie leads the blazer factor inside the SFA, the group that appointed and backed Stewart Regan, who stood by Campbell Ogilvie and would rather forget about that illegal licence issued in 2011 and the nasty EBT stuff.

Others, apparently including new chief executive Ian Maxwell, believe that a new accountable approach is needed if the SFA is to survive. The old ways must be binned and preferably exposed with those assisting industrial scale cheating moved out.

Maxwell has to establish himself quickly- the 2018/19 UEFA licence given to Sevco by the SFA could return with some awkward questions attached.

The SFA has lost Hughes, the quicker that Petrie and President Alan McRae are removed the better the chances of Maxwell succeeding.

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