Watch the brilliant new video of Renfield Street huddle

Another video has emerged of the Renfield Street huddle.

From a small group of 20 it grew to almost 100 as fans celebrated the final night of The Celtic Musical.

Brendan Rodgers joined the supporters inside the Pavilion but didn’t take part in the after show huddle although he did supply much of the goodwill to make the show a success.

A double treble was just one of the many landmarks of the show as 130 years of drama, triumph and tragedy was put together to celebrate Scotland’s most successful club.

From the hardship of the club being formed, the sporadic victories through to the glory of Jock Stein, the Lisbon Lions, nine-in-a-row and onwards it was all captured by the stage show.

Crucial throughout has been the fans, unfaltering in their support and a constant reference point and inspiration to generations of players and managers, including the Irishman currently calling the shots.

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