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Young Celt targets ‘remarkable achievement’

Image for Young Celt targets ‘remarkable achievement’

Kris Ajer can’t wait to get his chance to lift the Scottish Cup.

The young defender has played an enormous part in this season’s success, becoming the first pick central defender since the turn of the year.

Dedryck Boyata, Filip Benkovic and Jozo Simunovic have all been in and out of the side but it’s Ajer that has taken on the responsibility for driving Celtic to success.

Last season he played in the Scottish Cup Final against Motherwell but having been involved throughout this season a win over Hearts will carry extra meaning for the 21-year-old.

Speaking to the Celtic website he said:

To win a third treble would be outstanding, both on a team level and also a personal level. We’ve all worked so hard over the course of the last three years, and to even be in this situation at all is great for the whole squad.

We’ve worked so hard every day, every week, every month at training with the highest levels of professionalism, both on and off the pitch. We now go into Sunday’s game against Hearts at Celtic Park aiming to win, and then we go into the final against Hearts at Hampden aiming to win again.

The fact that we’re even having the conversation about a third treble is amazing, but to actually win the Treble Treble? Well, that would be a truly remarkable achievement.

Since the Glasgow derby victory in March Ajer has been paired with Simunovic with that duo expected to start against Hearts at Hampden.

After the cup final Ajer will return to Norway for international duty with European Championship qualifiers against Romania and the Faroe Isles. The match in the Faroes is on June 11 with Celtic’s first Champions League qualifier less than a month later.

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