Green Brigade half way to #footballagainstfascism after just two hours!

Within two hours of launching #footballgainstfascism the Green Brigade were halfway towards their £5,000 target.

On Wednesday UEFA announced that they were charging Celtic for illicit chants and banners at the home match against Lazio, the third time this season that Celtic have been charged.

While the wording used last week is best kept for after the watershed the message was clear and understood with a very firm anti-fascist message. Whoever may have been offended suffered a lot less than the victims of fascism.

Launching the appeal, the Green Brigade stated:

Perhaps not surprisingly, UEFA – an organisation whose inaction against racism has only served to encourage it – have since charged Celtic for the response of its fans.  In 2016, we found ourselves in a similar position and harnessed UEFA’s pettiness into a vehicle for good.

In 2019, our aim is the same. We ask all Celtic fans, fans of all clubs and none, to continue to oppose racism and fascism. We invite you to support our appeal to once again undermine the impending and unjust UEFA fine. In doing so, we will not only promote tolerance and inclusion but provide much needed practical support to the below two charities with projects in Rome and Glasgow.

At this rate the £5,000 target will be hit before 6pm with the appeal certain to grow with greater publicity.

In 2016 The Green Brigade raised £176,000 for Palestinian charities with a similar appeal.

CLICK HERE to donate to the new appeal.

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