The Sun quickly dumps Q and A with tax expert that destroyed The Times ‘HMRC tax error’ story

The Sun has quickly binned a Question and Answer session with a London based tax expert that defended HMRC and questioned the fanciful nature of the story in today’s edition of The Times.

Around 8.15 tonight I read through an impressive article by Aidan Scott in which 18 questions were put to a tax expert with some straightforward answers provided.

The entire basis of a day of fanciful theories was dismissed as the reality of HMRC dropping the penalty charges in order to bring the liquidation to a quicker conclusion was explained.

The tax expert basically discussed that rather than spend years debating the fine points of penalty charges of upto 65% HMRC were cutting to the chase to ensure that there was something in the Creditors Pot rather than see it all drain away in fees to HMRC.

After clicking on the link, I was presented with the ‘WHOOPS! We can’t seem to find what you’re looking for. Try our search below or return’ message.

It seems that presenting the truth on the issue is a policy that might upset too many people.

9.35pm UPDATE: The story has been restored CLICK HERE to read

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