Loan bhoy shows off the amazing skills of his Soccer Mom

Social media has got plenty of video clips of players showing off their skills in Lockdown.

Keepy-uppy is the long standing favourite with players showing off to various degrees while volleying against a wall requires control and concentration.

Andrew Gutman may just have sparked a new and highly select trend- Keepy-Uppy with your maw or as he might term it with a Soccer Mom.

From the clip it’s clear to see where the loan bhoy has inherited his skill from as Mom skilfully knocks the ball back and forwards with the Cincinnati defender.

Gutman put in a couple of impressive performances during Celtic’s pre-season trip to Austria and Switzerland but has still to play in a competitive match with doubt over whether he has a Work Permit to play in Scotland.

The MLS season had only played two matches when Lockdown kicked in, with his Mom available for training sessions the loan Celt has no excuses for being anything less than in shape when he reports back for training with Cincinnati.

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