Simply The Best! Caller of the Week to Super Scoreboard!

Even by their own standards the last week of calls on Radio Clyde’s Super Scoreboard has been something special.

News that Celtic had won their ninth successive title together with Lockdown has proved a giddy combination with some incredible conspiracies being hatched.

A fortnight ago one caller suggested the formation of the Scottish Sporting Integrity League but on Friday another idea was put forward by Andy in Partick.

The deaths of well over 2,000 people across Scotland is the greatest tragedy of this generation but how it relates to the current football set-up is difficult to work out.

Led by the contributions of Alex Rae, except when Neil Lennon is on air, there has been a constant stream of callers attempting to dismiss and write off Celtic’s latest title win.

As soon as Scoreboard host Gordon Duncan issued the gentlest of questions back the sound of silence was golden.

With no live football expected until August there is plenty of time for more calls to deride Celtic’s achievements- as the club gears up to go for 10-in-a-row.

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