Nicola Sturgeon hits out at ant-Catholic prejudice and calls on Rangers to act

Nicola Sturgeon has finally called out the anti-Catholic hatred that poisoned Glasgow city centre throughout Saturday.

The First Minister made no comment yesterday as the sickening scenes from the city went viral on Social Media while BBC Scotland stuck to the line of celebrating fans.

Thousands of fans poured in from outside of Glasgow for a day of chaos that Police Scotland were unable to contain. From before 10am Covidiots gathered at Ibrox, by early evening the city centre resembled a battle zone with the complete breakdown of Law and Order.

A minority can be 49%. Calling out the club from Ibrox for the anti-Catholic views of their supporters is a new move for the Scottish Government to take.

Clearly Sturgeon has realised that Scotland’s Shame are exactly that. With another massive majority in the Scottish Parliament now might be the time for a new Scotland to emerge, not one in awe of old Orange Order values and passing off their hatred of Catholics as banter associated with the dastardly Old Firm.

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