Video: Watch the sad demise of the cardboard cut-outs

Two days ago the notion of having a life-size cardboard cut out at home would have been dismissed as highly unlikely by most folk of sound judgement.

That changed at the 10th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month when Aston Villa sent out a tweet which seemed to break the heart of a number of Scottish males. The reaction has been incredible.

It seems that news of Mister Gerrard doing a runner to Birmingham has proved too much for many. The cardboard cut-outs have borne the brunt of the anger.

They have been punched, bundled into cars and dropped off at Ibrox, dumped into wheely bins and disposed off in a variety of ways. Strangest off all it seems to be part of Staunch Therapy to record these acts and share on social media.

The next Ibrox cardboard cut out has been warned what to expect.

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