SFA hand Tory leader Douglas Ross a Premiership return

Douglas Ross makes his first SPFL Premiership appearance of the season tomorrow when he runs the line at the Kilmarnocck v Hibs match at Rugby Park.

While the constituents of Moray try to cope with the Cost of Living crisis their Westminster representative will be picking up the expenses of a 400 mile trip which will probably include a hotel stay in Glasgow or Edinburgh as Ross tries to keep hold of his position as leader of the Scottish Tories.

Ross also pockets a Holyrood salary and expenses.

The SFA have been very accommodating to the MP for Moray, during the Lockdown season he was given six fixtures in the Glasgow area over a three month period before a hamstring injury in January brought his payments to a halt.

Judging by recent media appearances Ross has allowed his fitness to go downhill.

This season he has been on the line for four Championship matches, tomorrow at Rugby Park fans of Kilmarnock and Hibs are likely to unite with their views on the policies that Douglas and the Tory party has inflicted on Scotland.

As a regular at Ibrox for Glasgow derbies Ross will no doubt be hoping for another appointment for the January 2 fixture.

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