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Watch as the staunch anti-vaxxer has his question completely ignored at Ibrox AGM

Image for Watch as the staunch anti-vaxxer has his question completely ignored at Ibrox AGM

Billy from Bearsden enjoyed slightly less than 15 minutes of fame at today’s RIFC AGM.

After becoming the worst ever team to play in the Champions League, a fortnight after sacking Giovanni van Bronckhorst and trailing Celtic by nine points there was no shortage of talking points for the mainly elderly bears to discuss.

Giddy with the sight of a stage full of dignified blazers, Billy decided to broadcast all of his prejudices.

Good morning, my name’s Billy. First of all you have had some tough questions today, my question’s a little bit different.

First of all I want to congratulate you on delivering positive results for Rangers. As a board Rangers got to the European Cup final (?????????), we won the Scottish Cup and we got into the Champions League.

However my question to all the board apart from Michael [Beale] is ‘can you really say, hand on heart, that you showed honour to your fellow human being in 2021’.

When people like me got a blue letter like this and did not comply with tyrannical instructions from the Scottish nasty party.

They implemented digital ID via coercion and you complied. People like me who have supported Rangers from a young age were not allowed to come into the stadium.

We were outside like dogs. That was segregation, that was discrimination.

And with that Billy was ushered aside with another staunch bear brought in for a question.

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  • Seppington says:

    What an absolute shower of klowns. From birth to death, stupidly staunch with zero self-awareness. If they were wiped off the face of the Earth I would not mourn but I would miss laughing at their idiocy…

  • John Copeland says:

    Like dogs ,huh ! Oh my ,what is wee Glasgow becoming ……dear oh dear ….

  • Voice of Reason says:

    Billy’s 10 & coming up fur 11 when he can go tae the BIG SCHOOL!!! Billy’s a Thik Hun Bastard just like eez Da, eeez Granda, eez Great Granda etc etc!!

  • Tony B says:

    Point of information Billy. You never got to the European Cup Final and you never will.

    These cnuts are a permanent embarrassment.

    Bunch of fannies ralottierum!

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