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Silence- Ibrox club go into denial as Craig McPherson head-butt goes viral

Image for Silence- Ibrox club go into denial as Craig McPherson head-butt goes viral

We’ll pick each other up, we’ll move on, we’re Glasgow Rangers.

That was the closing comments from Malky Thomson to his club’s You Tube channel as he provided a staunch and dignified collection of cliches following the 1-1 draw with Celtic in the SWPL at Broadwood last night.

As he was doing so one incident from the match, which was the first ever SWPL match shown live on Sky Sports, was on a loop on Twitter.

Craig McPherson, Thomson’s trusted assistant manager had head-butted Fran Alonso soon after the final whistle. Not face to face but from behind as the Celtic coach congratulated players from both teams.

The head-butt incident was being shown on a loop by Sky Sports News but neither Thomson nor his club would acknowledge it which puts it under a greater focus.

Awareness has never been a strength at Ibrox, deny and deflect works in most cases regardless of what the club has got upto.

Last April broken glass mysteriously found its way into the penalty box to be defended by Joe Hart during the half time break in a match against Celtic.

Incredibly no-one witnessed what ad happened, no stewards or police, not even the Ibrox groundstaff who were in the penalty box carrying out some running repairs at the time.

The second half was held up for five minutes as the glass was cleared, avoiding a career/life threatening injury to a player from either side.

Afterwards silence was golden. No comment from the club, the SFA or SPFL, certainly nothing from Celtic.

Reluctantly at the Celtic AGM Michael Nicholson admitted that the CCTV wasn’t working at the Copland Road Stand during the half-time break.

Straight after the final whistle Celtic physio Daniel Friel was hit on the head by a glass bottle, the person that threw it, Alan Crawford was in a hospitality seat.

There has still not been any comment or apology from the Ibrox club about either incident but it looks like McPherson might be shamed out of his job with the prospect of Police Scotland investigating his televised attack.

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  • Bhoy4life says:

    To think our national football body hung big Dunc out to dry for the exact same thing.

    • Seppington says:

      That was then, when the SFA at least tried to keep up the appearance of being a competent authority. Now it’s “We’re aw bearz whit ye gonnae dae aboot it?”. If nothing comes of this I reckon Celtic have grounds to go to UEFA with a no confidence claim. They need gutted out and the hun permanently shut down for the good of every other person in Scotland.

  • Tony B says:

    Typical hun; attack from behind and run away. It’s bred into them.

    BTW fanny baws; you’re not Glasgow Rangers. That was liquidated in 2012.

  • Thomas McNairn says:

    Absolutely disgraceful behaviour he has to be thrown out of football only punishment available.He has disgraced his club and ladies football with his cowardly act.The first Celtic and Rangers Ladies match on tv ruined by a coward of a man!!!!!

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