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‘Final nail into Rangers coffin’ ‘Goodnight Vienna’ ‘Statement victory’ Kris Commons doesn’t hold back in Derby prediction

Image for ‘Final nail into Rangers coffin’ ‘Goodnight Vienna’ ‘Statement victory’ Kris Commons doesn’t hold back in Derby prediction

More than a decade ago Kris Commons revelled in a 3-0 Glasgow Derby success as Neil Lennon’s side turned on the style.

The SPL title had been clinched in style with a 6-0 win away to Kilmarnock but there was still one very significant fixture that the players and fans had been waiting on.

There is still plenty of work to do on this season’s SPFL title race but on Saturday Ange Postecoglou’s squad can take a massive step towards retaining the Premiership crown.

Five points dropped in 31 matches is an incredible record, extending their 100% home record will open up a 12 point gap with just seven matches left to play.

These days Commons watches the two clubs from back in Nottingham where he has observed Postecoglou laying down a very definite stamp on his old club, on Saturday he expects the hoops to strengthen their grip on the Derby clash.

He told the Daily Mail:

Rangers have improved under Beale, of that there is absolutely no doubt. The only problem is the fact that they’re trying to chase down one of the greatest Celtic sides in history.

So, when the teams clash at Parkhead on Saturday, I expect Celtic to hammer the final nail into the Rangers coffin for this season and put the matter beyond all doubt.

Commons added:

If they beat Rangers, that would take them 12 points clear with only seven games remaining. In other words, it would be  Goodnight Vienna.

These are the occasions the supporters really cherish. The days when you can effectively clinch the title against your  biggest rivals.

I was fortunate enough to  be part of one of these matches  in 2012 when we beat Rangers 3-0 at Celtic Park. I scored with a  little dinked finish over Allan McGregor that day, and we   were already confirmed as champions.

The scenes inside the stadium and the feeling of absolute  euphoria is something which will stay with me forever. These are the days fans dream of.

I expect Postecoglou’s side to deliver this kind of statement  victory this weekend and really stamp their authority over what has been an outstanding season thus far.

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  • Jeanette McConnell says:

    Final nail in our coffin if we get beat on Saturday why would it be it will be a different story next season believe me we are going nowhere trust me

  • Jeanette McConnell says:

    We are going nowhere final nail in our coffin don’t talk rubbish


      Methinks you’re on the wrong page.
      Follow, Follow elsewhere.
      If not, please subscribe to the Digital Daily Rec.. oops, I meant the Daily ranjurs fanzine.
      You’re more likely to find like minded opinions amongst the Deludemol addicts who post there.
      I mean ‘peepul’ who actually believe they’re the ‘Same Club’ will believe any fantasy.

  • the maister says:

    A dinky chip. But I remember him leathering it into the net against them from twenty five yards!

  • John mcghee says:

    That was a great goal kris especially putting that big wanker on his arse and then doing that goalkeeper that walked away and let his old club die rapist Allan McGregor so well done kris commons you put those huns to shame and buried them forever RIP SCUMBAGS

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