Bend It Like Brattbakk- Harald provides a close season escape

After Saturday’s Scottish Cup Final at Hampden there is a six week long blank in the diary for Celtic fans.

Winning the Scottish Cup would trigger some great scenes of celebration that are likely to last long into the month but it will be July 19 in downtown Yokohama when the hoops are next in action.

Sure there will be a couple of international matches, Wimbledon and the Open Golf but there are all just spacefillers as the countdown to real football draws slowly by.

Fortunately, right in the middle of the six week stretch there is one event sure to tug on the emotions as Bend it Like Brattbakk enjoys three shows at the Kerrydale Suite on June 23 and 24.

Jim Orr’s play has had a few runs and just like Harald comes up with the goods when it matters, recalling the agony, the fear and ultimately the joy and relief of the 97/98 season through a typical family of Celtic supporters.

The script is razor sharp, there are bound to be a few topical additions, laughs are never far away as an unlikely hero slotted away the goal that ended almost a decade of pain, by fair means and foul.

Tickets are selling briskly for the shows but in the middle of summer some great memories and laughs are assured behind the net that Harold found 25 years ago.

CLICK HERE to buy your tickets.

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