It has been another season of hilarity from celebratory vlogger Steely as he shares his emotions through further failures for the Ibrox Tribute Act.
The 2023/24 season has certainly provided hoops fans with great value as they’ve watched two Revolutions! bite the dust with Phil Clement well down the cycle that chewed up and spat out Giovanni van Bronckhorst and Micky Beale in the last few years.
Pre-season Steely was full of hope heading into the SPFL opener away to Kilmarnock, not long afterwards Beale was getting chased out of the Louden following a home defeat from Aberdeen.
Enjoy yer afternoon folks ?
— Wee Wido (@Wee_Wido) May 12, 2024
The Clement bandwagon was quickly mounted, even losing to Benfica in March left Steely with the consolation of winning the treble.
Every time before facing Celtic Steely is a bundle of excitement until the team is announced.
Afterwards that familiar sinking feeling is endured, the pain and dejection is real but claiming that John Lundstram lost the opportunity to leave as a legend has to be a wind up.
Standards are low when James Tavernier is in your Hall of Fame, elevating Lundstram to legendary status exposes the extent of the problems facing the Ibrox Tribute Act this summer.
“Lundstram could have left a Legend!”… hahaha
— E-Tims (@ETimsNet) May 12, 2024
What a rocket he is. ?
— Avenging Angel (@AvengingAngel10) May 12, 2024
Every year is the same drivel ?
— g (@Gal87_) May 12, 2024
It’s the hope that kills them and it’s glorious
— jonnybhoy (@jonnybhoyabides) May 12, 2024
The absolute state of that fud. ???
— The Free Rogic International. (@CelticEnded2iar) May 12, 2024
Anybody else starting to feel sorry for this guy?,na me neither.
— Williebhoy (@William81028712) May 12, 2024
There is no way his existence on social media isn’t simply for us to laugh at. I would say that surely there is no way that supporters of the same club as him take him seriously then I remember what club he supports and I realise they probably hang on his every word.
— Kev (@kev_b_) May 12, 2024
‘Just have to settle for the treble’. Love it.
— George Duvall (@CommuterDuvall) May 12, 2024
Think he meant leg end, or more aptly, knob end.
BTW. I thought squeaky voice was supposed to be the greatest on earth?
Truly, there is NOTHING as dumb as a hun.
Wonder who she’s tipping tae win the Lg nxt Season lol! Daft wee Lassies like this are just HILARIOUS! Kno Nuthin about Fitbaw, have NEVER kicked a baw but they’ve got their ane blog so they’re EXPERTS LOL!
” Lungestram “…..
Such is the demise of the club and the standards of the fanbase now, the Lundstrums and Cantwells of this world get “legend “ status for basically zero contribution other than staunchness and a studs up tackle on a fenian.
When u think of the Greigs, Coopers and Baxters that earned that status, standards really have dropped over there.