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SFA announce referee and VAR for Celtic’s final SPFL match

Image for SFA announce referee and VAR for Celtic’s final SPFL match

Matthew MacDermid will referee Saturday’s match between Celtic and St Mirren with Kevin Clancy on VAR duty.

The Lanarkshire based referee seems to be one of the rising stars being brought through by Crawford Allan, tonight MacDermid will be in charge for Dundee’s visit to Ibrox.

Celtic will be hoping that the outcome of the SPFL title will be decided before the weekend, if Dundee take anything from Ibrox tonight that will be enough with a point or more for Brendan Rodgers’ side at Kilmarnock the other option.

MacDermid has already refereed four Celtic home matches this season, taking charge of the games against St Johnstone, Kilmarnock and Livingston before the winter break followed by the 7-1 win over Dundee in February.

Saturday’s match will be St Mirren’s third visit to Celtic Park this season as the SPFL iron out the flaws in the post split fixtures.

In November it took a late goal from Oh Hyeon-gyu to secure a 2-1 victory, on April 13 the hoops won 3-0 at home after a goal-less first half.

CLICK HERE for SFA refereeing appointments.

CLICK HERE for MacDermid’s matches this season.

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  • Jack says:

    Celtic are or are not champions feeling is they are but there not till mathematical I’m like most Celtic supporters loved the great win at Celtic park on sat but if we settled in second half the goal difference would be like a extra point now wo go to a plastic pitch where Rodgers would have left his top players out of sqaud to avoid playing them on surface that muscle injuries are notorious just hope our players come out OK and show people at hampden we are better four five goals better hail hail Willie column must not be involved to not give lunsdrum straight red without having to go to monitor is terrible and the four arm smash on hiata not even a card var got involved in most things Celtic goals the penalty but not the assault on hiata supporters have to hear what officails are saying to each other not right

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Think this Matthew McDermid Guy seems ok so far anyway which is a rarity…

    There’s still time to ‘SFA School’ him yet tho unfortunately……………

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