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Will Allan McGregor now join the Ibrox media mafia?

Image for Will Allan McGregor now join the Ibrox media mafia?

After a year of virtual silence Allan McGregor took his first steps into the world of media at Saturday’s Scottish Cup Final.

The familiar face of Emma Dodds from ‘Rangers TV’ hosted Premier Sports presentation of the final with his former team-mate Alan Hutton also on the gantry.

Neil Lennon and Scott Brown were there to provide some balance with the Premier Sports gantry just behind Phil Clement’s technical area.

During his playing days McGregor barely spoke to the media, there was regular coverage of his private life on the front pages while, basically, he isn’t much of a communicator.

That hasn’t prevented many of his former team-mates moving into the media, the offer of easy money while emulating the insight offered by Kenny Miller, Kris Boyd and others like Neil McCann and Billy Dodds.

Saturday’s media payday did come with some risk, trying to remain rational over a painful defeat would be a big test, as a player Greegsy could always keep his thoughts to himself after painful defeats.

Next season Premier Sports will again cover both domestic cup competitions, drawing largely on pundits from TNT who cover the UEFA competitions.

Kevin Thomson’s boring monotone delivery seems to have been edged out of the picture which could provide an opening for someone of McGregor’s background.

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  • Charlie Green says:

    He was awful but he did play for Sevco so he is fully qualified.

  • Dora says:

    I know the wangers fans have had a ton of visits to Arvy Normans lately, but if that pointless halfwit is on my screen any time soon, I’ll b throwing my screen off the balcony too..

  • The Joker says:

    That face would turn milk sour.

    • Terence Nova says:

      Face like a well skelped arse…Which fits the Sevco profile perfectly well…Oh and a stick on for a BBC Scotland gig as well probably…Total FUD.

  • Stevie says:

    Bug fckn Doughball.

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Was he not like Miller…

    A Hibernian fan from Edinburgh growing up –

    Funny how it goes from green and white to Sevco colours when they seem to go through the doors at Liebrox !

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