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Complete disaster! Despair of celebrity blogger over Ibrox closure

Image for Complete disaster! Despair of celebrity blogger over Ibrox closure

Ibrox vlogger Steely has described the stadium closure as a complete disaster.

The full extent of the closure has still to be uncovered but further updates are expected after the club sat on the news for three weeks before Thursday’s announcement.

While the legacy media has accepted that the problem is down to a rogue Asian supplier there is speculation of far greater issues ranging from Asbestos to subsidence.

Steely veers between being the most faithful, loyal and staunchest bear of them all to an angry mad-man as he turns the camera on himself during moments of reality.

Every new Revolution! is drooled over in detail before reality kicks in during the cycle with Tavernier and Goldson getting the blame from the entitled fan base.

This summer there is a very real danger of losing the cherished Close Season Cup- that coupled with a few months away from Ibrox could see Phil Clement struggling to survive until October and the chance to go past Giovanni van Bronckhorst’s 366 days in charge at Ibrox.

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  • the maister says:

    “Closed For Now! Call Back again!”

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Steely in dispair about a Liebrox Steely issue…

    Bloody Hell – The Comedy Gold Just gets better and better and better so it does !

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