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Desperate Dan the serial loser under attack over Norwich bench-warner claim

Image for Desperate Dan the serial loser under attack over Norwich bench-warner claim

When it comes to picking losers big Dan McCroskrie is in a league of his own.

Even James Tavernier is known to smirk at someone whose life is spent supporting the Scottish Tories, the Scottish Daily Express and the 2012 Ibrox Tribute Act.

Those that know him claim that his battle against Anorexia is the only success story on his CV.

It seems that a last gasp goal from Cyriel Dessers on Tuesday night was all that the bears needed to rediscover their superiority complex, their belief in A Proper Football Manager. Even while their team is homeless.

With an equaliser against Dinamo Kiev the long summer of pain inflicted by Adam Idah and Jack Butland has been wiped from the memory bank with McCroskrie as Deluded and Gullible as the next bear.

Big Dan probably saw about an hour of Idah last season, he scored twice in three appearances off the bench in Glasgow Derbies while his former Norwich team mate TikTok offered Shushburgers and imaginative dance moves on social media, it looks like Dan enjoys a Shushburger and fries

At the March 2019 by-election in the Leith Walk ward of Edinburgh City Council McCroskrie came in fourth behind SNP, Greens and Labour with 777 votes, 10.7% of the turnout.

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  • The Joker says:

    The word DAWNBER comes to mind with that specky klown.

    I see on another blog that the blogger has taken the nip with some people’s comments on his site and because they don’t agree with the article he wrote and there was criticism of him,he spat the dummy out big time and deleted the posts and replies.

    All that happened was that people called him out for reading to many scud books and watching to much porn films to describe his points about football and Celtic and the board.

    I won’t mention his name but we all know who he is.

    He can be a bit of a cry baby at times and he calls Cuntwell well out for the cry baby stuff at times when he ain’t much he is saying.

  • Valentine's day massacre says:

    With his CV stating that he is ‘ occasionally ‘ on TV , there is no need to explain or analyse further !

  • The Joker says:

    The word DAWBER comes to mind with that specky klown.

    I see on another blog that the blogger has taken the nip with some people’s comments on his site and because they don’t agree with the article he wrote and there was criticism of him,he spat the dummy out big time and deleted the posts and replies.

    All that happened was that people called him out for reading to many scud books and watching to much porn films to describe his points about football and Celtic and the board.

    I won’t mention his name but we all know who he is.

    He can be a bit of a cry baby at times and he calls Cuntwell well out for the cry baby stuff at times when he ain’t much he is saying.

  • the maister says:

    Outside chance of a Perfect Storm of Scotrail’s and sevco’s making tomorrow.
    50 000 sevco fans heading in the direction of Mount florida and back, at the same time as many people are arriving back from their holidays.
    And just to compound it, those sevco supporting (generally speaking) Scotrail train drivers are working to rule in a dispute over pay, that has been ongoing for the past two years.
    I do hope everyone will cope!

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