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Celtic reveal Chairman Lawwell’s massive salary rise

Image for Celtic reveal Chairman Lawwell’s massive salary rise

Peter Lawwell has been awarded a 50% salary rise for his role as Executive Chairman of Celtic.

The 2024 Annual Report reveals that the former club CEO was paid a salary of £120,000 plus Benefits in Kind of £2,874.

Lawwell became Chairman on 1 January 2023 with the 2023 Annual Report recording a six month salary of £40,000.

There has been no obvious change in the role of the club Chairman, beyond Stock Market regulations concerning the Annual Report, AGM and Interim Accounts to 31 December nothing has been heard of Lawwell, or CEO Michael Nicholson.

With direct entry to the Champions League for the second season running Celtic recorded record turnover of £124.6m with profit recorded at £17.8m.

Is Lawwell deserving of his salary as Non Executive Chairman?

Yes- his experience is priceless, lucky to have him

Yes- his experience is priceless, lucky to have him

No- what does he do? Surely a non-exec has little direct involvement?

No- what does he do? Surely a non-exec has little direct involvement?

In 2023 Nicholson had total payment from the club of £711,937, in the year to June 2024 that figure rose to £836,325, a rise of 17/5%. Salaries and payments are decided by the Remuneration Committee consisting of Lawwell, Brian Wilson and Tom Allison.

Brendan Rodgers continues as the only voice of the club, speaking on Friday about the threat of a UEFA away fan ban caused by Piro, earlier this season he explained at length the issues involved in the away fan ticket stand off surrounding the Glasgow Derby.

Celtic’s AGM will be held on Friday November 22 at 10.30am.

CLICK HERE for the 2024 Annual Report in full.

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