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New horror images emerge from ‘premium viewing’ in Copland Road Stand

Image for New horror images emerge from ‘premium viewing’ in Copland Road Stand

Ibrox fully reopened on Sunday for the match against Hibs with some surprises in store for Season Ticket holders in the Copland Rear.

Last week against Dundee fans in the Copland Front discovered that the overhang of the top tier has severely restricted their views with no prior warning from the club.

On Sunday fans in the 600 additional seats discovered what they had bought into with an excess of fencing obstructing their views from the new rows.

It seems that there are particular problems in the corners of each stand, the back section of the Copland Front and the front sections of the Copland Rear.

The work was forced on the club by UEFA to provide adequate facilities for disabled fans who were previously left exposed to the elements in the area behind the dug-outs.

Non Season Ticket holders can now buy a four match Europa League package for £200, visiting supporters at each match have their ticket prices capped at £30.

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