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Whisky Tycoon! Daily Record in a frenzy as they introduce non-billionaire Ibrox saviour

Image for Whisky Tycoon! Daily Record in a frenzy as they introduce non-billionaire Ibrox saviour

Stopping just short of giving him billionaire status the Daily Record has branded Billy Walker the saviour in waiting for the troubled Ibrox Tribute Act.

Without a CEO, Chairman, Director of Football Operations and Youth Academy Director the club is down to the bare bones in terms of structure with the very real fear that Celtic will claim the fake accolade as the World’s Most Successful Club casting a shadow over all at Ibrox.

When the old club went into Administration no Sugar Daddies stepped forward with Charles Green, Mike Ashley and Ally McCoist the Gallant Profiteers behind the launch of the new club.

A dozen years down the line the club is laden with debt to investors such as Douglas Park and John Bennett who are keeping the lights on as they toil to keep up with Celtic.

Walker claims to have been a fan for 74 years (both clubs obviously) which suggests that he will be well known to the current major shareholders. Clearly he fancies a blazer and brogues without the responsibility of investing his personal fortune in a company with massive structural problems undermined by a fan base that can’t get used to being second in a two horse race.

If he instantly wants 14% of the club he will find Dave King easy to deal with.

Picking up on an interview from the Rangers Review in trademark fashion…

Typically the quotes don’t remotely come close to the hype put up by the Record

Walker actually said:

Running a football club must be extremely difficult as there is so much uncertainty.

You have to put a lot of trust into the managerial team and you have to oversee the inside of the business and make sure the club is on the right track. You’ve got to have people with a football knowledge and you’ve got to trust the manager that he’s going in the right direction.

The reality is the board has the fiscal responsibility to make sure all the correct financial levers are in the right places and they can see a future, that’s very important.

It’s really important to see past the next week and certainly the next five years and determine where the club is going. In reality, would I like to invest? Yes, if the circumstances were right. Would I be the principal investor? No. That would be for somebody else.

It seems that those last 13 words were too difficult for Mark Pirie to comprehend after he had got the notion of ‘INVESTOR’, ‘SUGAR DADDY and ‘STOAP SELIK’ into his mind.

Walker or anyone else would be required to come up with the best part of £50m to buy out existing shareholders and pay back the interest bearing loans.

At the point he inherits a manager under contract until 2028 with a squad of serial losers devoid of any value in the transfer market. During the summer the sales of Todd Cantwell and Scott Wright brought in less than £1m.

At that stage there are multiple issues with a stadium that has gone without basic maintenance for around 20 years while supporters demand that the new saviour resumes spending of the Murray era to dominate over Celtic.

The Accounts to 30 June 2024 have still to be published and re expected to show a loss of around £20m.

CLICK HERE for Walker profile on his company website.

Who will be in the home dug out when Celtic visit Ibrox on January 2

Big Phil- he is A Proper Football Manager

Big Phil- he is A Proper Football Manager

Wee Barry- He knows what it is all about

Wee Barry- He knows what it is all about

Wee Alex- Biding his time, already in the dug out

Wee Alex- Biding his time, already in the dug out

MURTY! The only man that knows the job

MURTY! The only man that knows the job

Bomber- time to restore some traditions and passion

Bomber- time to restore some traditions and passion

Sir Alex- Bring him home

Sir Alex- Bring him home
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  • bertie basset says:

    ” Walker’s ” eh ? has a certain kinda ring to it !!! Haw !!! going fer 56 7 8 9 chortle ….Ah yes ….. chortle …

  • scousebhoy says:

    the radar nothing but a sevco fanzine . the hope that kills them never a more truer saying.

  • The Joker says:

    Lol Gavin The Bawbag Berry with an exclusive about a REAL RANJURS man with REAL money ready to invest in the new klub,lol all that was missing was the headline,WEALTH OF THE RADAR.

    One of the lines the daily sevco put out was,just who is Billy Walker?
    I will tell you who he is,he is he son of Annie Walker that owned the Rovers Return in Coronation Street.

    Apparently he is ready to invest his £285 million in sevco,aye so he fuckin is.

    Apparently he is a season ticket holder in the Govan stand end,sitting there looking across at what looks like Steptie&Son backyard not a bit of the stadium hanging the right way thinking aye a think I will put some money into this project looks a sound investment if you ask me,not!

    So there you have it the daily sevco have found their sugar-daddy to save the new klub and he was sitting in the stands all along.

    Then you get the statement released yesterday about the fuck up in the renovation of the stadium with previous statement and lies put out there coming home to roost now,and the media didn’t even call the new klub out on this.

    That place is an absolute MIDDEN over there and who the fuck in their right frame of mind is going to throw money away to invest in it,should they do so they as well give the cash a good auld wave GOODBYE because they ain’t seeing it again.

    But anyway at least they have Billy boy Walker to clutch on to on the hope he comes on board,after all season books will need to be sold so there is the fish that the GULLIBLE like to feed off from,for the future looking bright.
    The future looks like the graveyard.

  • The Joker says:

    Is that the SFA playing into sevco’s hands once again by having us play on the Sunday this weekend,what was wrong with our game at Motherwell not being played today Saturday,no reason whatsoever for us to being playing Sundsy other than not to be putting to much pressure on sevco falling further behind us in the league.

    I do hope the Don’s keep this run going and pick up 3 points tonight as at least some pressure will be on sevco from them.

    But I would still like to know why our game is on the Sunday,I get sevco they played a European game Thursday we played the Wednesday no need fir us to play Sunday.

  • Valentine's day massacre says:

    In true traditional form one of the most loyal and staunch sports scoops at the Record – G Berry – has gushingly profiled the possible theRangers investor Billy Walker ,the booze person . As quick as a cat can blink an eye ,Berry ran with the piece about how wealthy and how much a fan Walker is . Scoops like Berry will always have theRangers’ back ..in all circumstances and every kind of weather .

  • Bob (original) says:


    This ‘potentially’ interested individual is doing an awful lot of public talking,

    before he has committed a single penny.

    A lot of free publicity / self-promotion.

    What’s he selling…?


  • The Joker says:

    Whisky ma man,only Whisky.

  • John S says:

    Headline: ‘Bloke says he’d pay money for useless shares.’

  • TicToc says:

    Terrific stuff Joe and much in the comments too. Good craic.
    But just how can the Daily Rancid get away with printing such utter shit, daily?
    The new huns’ ‘saviour’ said nothing to encourage any headline anywhere but the DR just makes more shit up to sell to their gullible and deluded fan-base. Ah well!
    It said this bloke has supported them for 74 years so, as you can hardly “support” a club till your at least around 7 y.o. he must be in or pushing his 80s. So, even if he DID have big bucks he’s hardly going to blow it on that shower of scum as he’ll never see the result of it. More FN moonbeams! Which kinda brings me to my point. I’ve been clearing out some old crap and came across an article from The Herald from March 2000. I won’t name the ‘journo’ as he died in 2003 but it’s well worth your time to look on the link below, and savour what was being said then, what actually happened in between and where we are now. You’ll be glad you did, longish article but grab a drink and read it. David Fukkin Murray at his very best with irony galore, assuming Joe is okay with a link here. 🙂

    Link: https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/12198363.murrays-blueprint/

  • The Joker says:

    What a belter of link,oh how GULLIBLE the klan had been back then,just as bad as just now with the new klub.
    Hence the new klub part of that,reading that article you could see it had DISASTER written all over it well apart from the DAFTIES in the klan.

    Other people other than the klan members themselves had been asking questions but we and they had been told we were just jealous fans.

    Notice in the article everyone mentioned in it was putting in £10 million+ but Murray was only putting £9 million but fronting it all.

    A conman of the highest quality and the klan fans went for it as did the media especially the SCOTTISH MUGS.

    • TicToc says:

      Murray summed up: A Freemason who borrowed from everyone, anyone, lived (lives) like a Lord on other people’s money, cost the whole country (well tax-payers) hundreds of millions and what does he get? Allowed to cherry-pick the carcase of his ’empire’, fukkin knighted and STILL holds the title. It’s not only the dead huns who should have titles stripped. Well, at least this ‘report’ has legs!
      GIRUY, Murray, you phony, cheating bastard. Oh and your bankers too, rather, ALL BANKERS who’re just as guilty and unpunished as you! Now jog on, twat 🙂

  • BriBhoy says:

    I think you can add the words from the preceding sentence, “If the circumstances were right” (translation: if it wasn’t a complete fucking basket case) to those 13 words Joe. 🙂

    Like you, I’m baffled as to how someone claiming to be a journalist would print that and somehow draw the conclusion that the latest (mythical) knight in shining armour is about to ride in and save them. Sounds more like the opposite to me.

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Maybe trying to get them to hit the drink and buy more of his whisky !

    Anything in The Desperate Daily Record is Pathological Fabrication of the truth !!!

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