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11am Ibrox media conference called as the axe hangs over doomed Clement

Image for 11am Ibrox media conference called as the axe hangs over doomed Clement

Paddy Stewart is finally expected to speak to the media with The Sun announcing an 11am media briefing today.

That had been scheduled for Sunday but for some reason has been brought forward from an attempt to bury news under the match against St Johnstone.

Robert Grieve, Chief Football Reporter at The Sun broke the news late on Friday night, there was little in the way of backing for Phil Clement who has provided us all with such great humour since the April Moral Victory over Celtic.

The report is very sympathetic to the Ibrox board who have backed their manager but are now faced with someone on a contract until May 2028 who won’t resign.

That leaves only one expensive solution to the crisis at Ibrox, with no funds available for the January transfer window a Caretaker looks more likely than another new manager and a fresh Revolution!

The Sun reports:

PHILIPPE CLEMENT is clinging onto his job as Rangers boss.

SunSport understands Ibrox directors have held behind-the-scenes crisis talks over his immediate future.

The report adds:

New chief executive Patrick Stewart was scheduled to speak for the first time at a media briefing on Sunday.

But that has been brought forward to 11am tomorrow morning.

Ibrox insiders claim that is NOT a clear indication Clement is being axed before Sunday’s league game and he could yet be publicly backed by Stewart while talks are ongoing.

Gers directors have done everything to back their manager this season.

Former chairman John Bennett insisted the days of the club going through a ‘rinse and repeat’ cycle with managers had to end.

Since the January 5 draw against Hibs Clement has been deflecting any discussion about transfer business with the claim that Stewart will discuss the plan with the media with no date offered.

The issue of transfer funding has been replaced by demands that Clement is sacked which even the media messengers are struggling to avoid.

On Thursday night the gap at the top moved to 15 points with both the Rangers Supporters Association and Union Bears issuing statements to get Clement sacked.

There has been suggestions of protests at Ibrox before, during and after the match with St Johnstone but that will be muted by a frozen crowd of around 25,000.

With his Manchester United background big things are expected of Stewart but anything other than announcing the sacking of Clement will instantly see the CEO become a major part of the problem rather than the solution.

Alex Rae, Barry Ferguson and John Brown are already on the pay-roll, it could be a beauty parade to see who gets the Caretaker job with the others called on as assistants.

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  • Kelly1962 says:

    The idea of a ‘beauty parade’ is indeed ironic….more house of horrors! That said as the boy from Ayr said…they’re ‘die hards’. Sevco are really stuck in a time warp entirely of their own making.

  • Neil says:

    I know it’s unlikely but I’m hoping they come out at 11 and give him their full backing. Imagine the bear backlash. Would be a joy to behold. C’mon Clementine you can survive this.

    • The konk says:

      Yes keep this clement at rangers for the whole of his contract and if he is still as bad extend his contract for another 10 years make him one of the bhoys to be proud of

      • Valentine's day massacre says:

        Send for Murts ! The high flying ..back flipping contortionist , who can pull off all kinds of gymnastic manoeuvres standing up . What a guy …

  • Tambhoy says:

    Maybe they are going to announce Rushford has signed from Man Utd ???

  • scousebhoy says:

    the worst ever manager in their short history never resigned why should big phil ?.

  • Johnno says:

    The scum were meant to be on a cutting the wage budget during the summer?
    Yet still ended up with too many international players to register for there europa league campaign?
    Problem still exists, yet still hasn’t been addressed?
    Maybe Paddy will have the answers today?

  • Jungle veteran says:

    Can you imagine that dressing room if bazza, rae & brown did take over? Bazza walking around looking deep into their eyes and screaming “no surrender “, and brown telling them to stop blessing themselves.

  • Captain Swing says:

    Rumours are circulating that Albert Pierrepoint was seen arriving into Glasgow Central Station at 8 am this morning…..

  • Terence Nova says:

    I’ve continually said that they don’t have the money to sack him and his team…but this 11:00 am statement might prove me wrong…One thing’s for sure…Sevco are between a rock and a hard place…To back him will produce riots from the support…To sack him will prove financially ruinous…Either way…I’m delighted…Canny wait to see what happens.

  • TicToc says:

    It’s gone from banter to utter hysteria with that shower, keep it up please, it’s a joy to behold.
    If they DO sack fish-face my dream team would be Ferguson and John Brown.
    Staunch and stauncher aka dumb and dumber.

    • Valentine's day massacre says:

      Maybe they are going to announce another gigantic , extra , sooper dooper confetti share issue like the last one a few weeks ago as all that money has been spent since then ? Roll up ..roll up ..for the sale of the century !

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Pleeeeeeeeeeze Let Fillipe Fillop still be there at Liebrox !

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