Andy Halliday inadvertently brought some outstanding irony to Super Scoreboard as he sat on the fence over the Ibrox protests from the Union Bears.
The Motherwell midfielder is believed to have some close links to the Ultras group that left the home match against St Johnstone after 55 minutes.
There was a smattering of support for the action across the ground but also a lot of hostility..
Many fans booed and shouted abuse at the Union Bears, some items including pies were thrown as the Ultras left their newly create home in the Copland Road Front.
There can be little doubt that the Union Bears and their actions has very little support among the bears that actually attend matches, strangely Halliday opted to bring up events over a decade ago to claim that the Union Bears have called things correctly in the past.
? “Rangers don’t do walking away, so why are we walking away now?”
? “The Union Bears were criticised for protesting against Mike Ashley… the people criticising them back then are on the wrong side of history now”
? Billy & Andy Halliday discuss the walkout at Ibrox ??
— Clyde 1 Superscoreboard (@ClydeSSB) January 13, 2025
Mike Ashley and Sports Direct is exactly what the troubled Tribute Act requires if it is ever to become sustainable.
For a cut of the merchandise market it seemed a fair trade off to have a direct involvement from one of Britain’s richest and most successful businessmen involved.
Ashley’s sustainable plan wasn’t wanted, the noisiest elements inside Ibrox got to work with Union Bears and the Sons of Struth doing the groundwork to pave the way for Dave King’s triumphant arrival in March 2015. And a golden era of three trophies in a decade.
King told the bears what they wanted to hear, brought in a few wealthy blue noses and plunged the club deeply into debt to witness Celtic kick off the most successful period in the history of Scottish football.
With Peter Lawwell in his pomp Celtic imploded during season 20/21, one title went to Ibrox with losses of £22m announced as the price of stopping Celtic winning 10-in-a-row.
The overspending continued, John Bennett and Douglas Park poured in the loans, once King demanded that he was repaid with interest Bennett and Park found themselves in even deeper.
With successive disastrous managerial appointments and recruitment to match we get to the position that they are currently in.
Wholly dependent on Park and Bennett for survival with the Union Bears screaming for changes in the boardroom. Park and Bennett have left the Board but those in charge know whose loans are propping up the sinking ship.
In the mind of Halliday the Union Bears were on the right side of history over Ashley.
With a club hamstrung by debt, burdened by a highly expensive squad of failures and tied to a gormless manager how much worse would life have been under big bad Mike Ashley?
Pure comedy gold the gift that keeps on giving #HH #COYBIG
— jeff ray (@love5hac20) January 13, 2025
They don’t do walking away ???? we’re abouts were they when administration struck 14th February 2012 & then on the 31st October 2012 liquidation not 1 ex ranger stepped in to save the day WHY.
— The Extremist Mr-Wolf of ??????? & ?? (@AnnonymousAm) January 13, 2025
Why do rangers fans not address the elephant in the room that they are skint? Sack the baldy waffle who do they bring in knowing they have no budget and still need to downsize? Only kidding who cares GIRUY’s ??????
— Tim Alloy (@steelyhoops) January 13, 2025
Didn’t Mike Ashley back the board with a soft loan?
— God Is A Catholic (@EricStr04446845) January 13, 2025
It’s Hearts that don’t ‘do walking away.’Their Board and supporters combined to ensure the club achieved a CVA so that they successfully exited administration. Avoided liquidation and therefore saved their proud history.
— Phil obrien (@thepawnbroker1) January 14, 2025
mike ashley an actual bilionaire who they chased because a fake one with funny eyes told them
— etihs era sregnar eht ho (@Brian_The_tim) January 14, 2025
— Michael (@MDC6724) January 13, 2025
If only Andy Halliday, put as much effort in, on the pitch as he does, talking about newco.
— The Raven (@BenRinnes84) January 14, 2025
Their cock ups over the years have been spectacular…and long may they continue…King for Ashley…??… WOW !!
‘That trouble’….cheating you mean and getting caught out and paying the price….deluded is an inadequate word for them
Halliday shouldn’t be anywhere near the media whilst being employed to play for any club
It’s ridiculous how he’s getting away with it
We’ve all seen this movie before…and could guess how it ends.
An unknown, ‘extremely wealthy’ investor turns up,
[maybe this time claiming to front a group of ‘even wealthier’ investors],
– and buys RIFC for buttons…with promises to pump big money into the club.
And then the fun begins! 🙂
Lol 2 Italian clubs making bids fir sevco players,aye right,Celinoo’s and Coia’s.
The ibrox board and their klan fan base reminds me of the Labour Party,relying on Growth to fix all their problems,but there is none about.
And just like the Labour Party and government,they will be gone by the end of this year.
C’mon The SNP Joker…
Even better – C’mon a SCOTTISH SINN FEIN !!!!!
Joker , where is the labour party and the government going to go ,don’t tell me your a reform or an Elon musk / nigel farage believer or do you think the Tories will be back to save the country coz it sure as hell ain’t going to be SNP,I think their boat has sailed,joker,I like all your posts joker but best leaving politics out ,stick to what you’re good at slagging off sevco and cock eyed king.
Clach what are you on mate ,we can’t get independence so with SNP so we ain’t going to get a sinn Fein, wishful thinking mate but it’s obviously tongue in cheek,but keep up the good posts clach,like jokers I enjoy reading them.
Duffy, we got a Sinn Fein, founded in 1905 by Arthur Griffiths. They are still going, getting stronger all the time eg a majority in the North for the first time.
If Ireland got it’s unity and the Brits out, then all sorts of political scenarios could be envisaged.
There would be no need for Unionism and it would crumble!
Scottish Independence would then be a political fact!
Vote Sinn Fein (if you can!)
All due respect maister,I’m no talking about Ireland,I’m talking about the British mainland,if anything I would love to have sinn Fein but it isn’t going to happen in Scotland and certainly not in engurland,my biggest fear is if labour gets ousted ,then conservatives get shafted , reform will form a government,and they are all rabid right wing shit kickers,the situation with farage and reform bears a resemblance to Germany in the 1930 s , when Hitler and the brown shirts came to power,but like I said to the joker and clach can we keep politics out of the football forum,is that ok with you MAISTER.
No, not okay. You have a tendency to want to make up rules for other peoples sites.
Just like the Brits do – in Ireland and elsewhere too!
I’d like to know how Halliday, a currently paid and registered player with a rival SPFL club can go on national radio and talk openly about another club and it’s inner workings without being guilty of disrepute? Forget he used to be one of them it simply wouldn’t be tolerated in any other league in Europe.!
Another reason not to tune in to those clowns on S/S!
It’s awesome when Sevco gets beat or drops points maister…
But usually Halliday is ‘unavailable’ for some ‘reason’ when that happens !
Ha ha ha! They turned away a real billionaire – and believed in one, exclusively created in the Sports pages of the Daily Retared!
What a bunch of proddy wankers.
What a bunch of proddy wankers!
Daily Retarded.
Their (dwindling) paying readership certainly must be retarded for absolute certain for sure maister !!!
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