
The Scotsman's sneering attack on Celtic and John Reid


Albert Kidd Celtic newsThe fast fading Edinburgh broadsheet, The Scotsman, has again jumped on the opportunity to put the boot into Celtic.

In an editorial today, which could have been stitched together by listening to the comments of morons from a radio phone-in, the Morningside chin-strokers know exactly who to blame for the troubles in Scottish football.

It’s the club whose manager was attacked in their city on Wednesday night. The club whose manager has received bullets and bombs in the post. It’s the club whose supporters have earned UEFA and FIFA recognition for their behaviour and support.

The Scotsman is at it’s happiest criticising Celtic and is clearly uncomfortable with a club that doesn’t wish to cover up it’s Irish and catholic origins.

Having previously put a picture of Artur Boruc blessing himself over it’s front page alongside a sneering commentary there’s clearly an appetite for such material within the publication.

Earlier this season the same newspaper felt it worthy to highlight the fact that the referee in charge of the first Celtic-Rangers game of the season was an RE teacher in a catholic school- for good measure they virtually published the address of the school.

Stephen McGill recently squealed with horror at the discovery that the Archdiocese of Glasgow held shares in Celtc- even though they have been sold.

After setting the scene for tomorrow’s security arrangements at the Celtic and Rangers matches they really get into their side stating: “If this is to be the face of Scottish football, it is a deeply depressing prospect.

“No less depressing is the view that we are witnessing the surfacing of anti-Catholicism endemic across all walks of Scottish life.

“While sectarian violence and boorish behaviour are to be deplored, it is deeply inaccurate and inflammatory to suggest this is but one manifestation of more widespread hatred and intolerance of Catholics.

“The vast majority of Scots simply do not recognise their country in this caricature. Others may well see it as an attempt to deflect attention from the need for club officials to take responsibility

“But such is the extremity of thinking behind the assertion this is a problem for which all non-Catholics shoulder some blame, even attempts at reasoned denial are denounced as evidence of the depth of prejudice.

“Denial becomes evidence for the prosecution – maybe Celtic chairman John Reid hasn’t quite left his Communist days behind.

“Certainly, we must be vigilant in seeking to repel, isolate and eradicate sectarianism, but this is a symptom of wider social problems like the culture of drug and alcohol abuse and violence fed and fuelled at football grounds. Celtic cannot shrug off their responsibilities.”

Fortunately Celtic take their responsibilities- and the safety of their employees- very seriously.

With their daily circulation now under 40,000 that poisoned editorial could well be one of the last as the fading Edinburgh broadsheet drifts off into the sunset carrying the views from a time thankfully no longer tolerated.

Hearts avoid apologising to Neil Lennon

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  • Mike Bhoyle says:

    Who’s shocked by this chip- wrapper’s comments??
    The Scotsman has beeen no friend of Celtic for many years …and like it’s fellow rags in Scotland….
    it’s cowardly as well…..
    why expose the real bad boys….
    when the “soft touch” ones will do??
    Hope it’s shut down soon….

  • Chico says:

    Used to enjoy reading Glen Gibbons in the Scotsman, but this is just nasty. The answer for Celtic fans is not to buy it, and therefore to contribute to its rapidly declining sales.

  • That paper is nothing but a mouth piece for Irish and Catholic haters.

  • Mike Bhoyle says:

    Chico…fortunately people buying newspapers is in rapid decline….the Internet will soon take over 100% …and shoite like the Scotsman ……..will be no more…

  • Louis Bhoy says:

    I wonder which of the communist ideologies it is that they believe John Reid is guilty of?? Are they outraged that he feels everyone should be treated equally

  • rfc+sfa=cheats says:

    Simply do not buy it. I live in London and to read about Celtic I had no choice to buy whatever Scottish newspapers were available, usually the Daily Record, to read about my beloved Celtic every morning on the way to work and keep up-to-date with scottish football.

    Now i have to wait until I’m home from work to look online because i will never buy any of the bias Scottish papers again, when they refused to condemn the terror campaign against lennon it was the final straw.

    PLEASE BHOYS dont facilitate these rags by giving them money.


  • John McVey says:

    Good post and accurate observations by Joe McHugh! The Scotsman article is atrocious.

  • jockybhoy says:

    I have written a few times of late to SoS and the Scotsman regarding Lennon, never had anything back, let alone printed, but they publish every Farqhuar “I’m a rugby man, don’t follow football but that Lennon’s a disgrace” Farqhuarson letter they are sent.

    Of course most ‘Scots’ (I am one btw) don’t recognise the image of their country, those guys are the problem. They will never realise there’s a problem.

  • Brendan says:

    ‘Why……some of my best friends are Catholics’

  • Stevie says:

    Don’t buy any scottish rags or listen to their phone-in’s their not for the likes of us.

  • Dharma_Bam says:

    Let them twist in the wind.

    It’s desperation caused by declining sales.

  • O'Cahan says:

    What’s new we Celts that all the scottish rags have always been anti Celtic. They all think by pampering to the majority, that will secure their readership.

    The laptop loyal must also must also take blame for the morons who continue to threaten Neil Lennon, with fists, boots, bombs & bullets.

    Week in week out,these so called journalists have published articles demonising Lennon, making Lenny public enemy number one,by printing such vile, which amounts to incitement to hate. For what, having the cheek to question refs decisions, and walking on to pitches after games to applaude supporters.

    I hope the rags fold in the very near future, leaving the likes of stephen mc gill out of a job.

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