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Hibs deny Griffiths injury scare

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Neil Lennon, Pat Fenlon newsHibs have denied that Leigh Griffiths is an injury doubt for tomorrow’s Scottish Cup Final with Celtic.

A report in The Sun, which has had interviews with Griffiths all week, claimed that the striker had been taken to hospital yesterday after picking up a calf knock in training.

Hibs will examine the injury this morning before deciding whether Griffiths should train with his team-mates today.

News of the injury scare spread quickly with the official Hibs twitter account reassuring one fan with: “Hi Ryan, no, Leigh Griffiths is available for selection on Sunday – which radio station reported this? GGTTH, HFC.”

Hibs have already been forced to rule out skipper James McPake due to a back injury but the defender hasn’t played since the 3-3 draw with St Mirren on April 27

Making the decision to rule out McPake was a tough decision for Fenlon to take with the Hibs boss admitting:  “It is a blow as James has been a big player for us since I came to Hibs and we brought him in.

“He is a good leader on the pitch as well. It’s a blow for him, when a player misses out on a Cup Final it is very difficult.

“In fairness to James he is aware he needs to be 100 per cent right going into the game and he just does not feel that. We have had to make the decision to leave him out.

“Sadly, it is not the kind of injury where he could take an injection to get him through. James does not want to let people down — so we had to make that decision.”

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  • yogi says:

    I Know many of my good fellow Celtic People of a certain age would allow me a wee tad nostalgia today with the final in mind Tomorrow.

    The Hibs team of the Seventies were superb, John Brownlie rivalling our own Danny Bhoy for the full back spot for Scotland, Alec Cropley and Bertie scrapping in midfield and showing how to caress a football. At Left full back was John Blackley, up front Peter Marinello and Peter Cormack, who left for Arsenal and Liverpool respectively.

    Of course The Best of all was Pat Stanton who although we only had him for two years ,we missed him massively when Injury took him from the Game. It demonstrates how Good we were when we had to deal with this formidable team. Hail,Hail.

  • Pjarvis says:

    He’s not out with a groin strain is he?….

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