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Sutton Savages Robbie

Image for Sutton Savages Robbie

Birthday bhoy Chris Sutton was quick to slap down trolling Robbie Savage.

The Welshman couldn’t resist a dig about the tribute act but was reminded of a darker period in his career when his BT Sport colleague replied.

After officially retiring from playing Savage felt that he could help out Ally McCoist with an offer to play for Sevco in their first season in football.

Playing against part-time opponents the former Leicester midfielder felt that he could travel up to train on a Friday, play on a Saturday then return south of the border to pick up on his media commitments.

Despite it being his 45th birthday there was no letting up from Sutton as he gave a typically forthright preview of tomorrow’s Glasgow derby.

With the home dressing room vocal in their celebrations about drawing Celtic in the semi final draw for the Scottish Cup Sutton has warned Graeme Murty’s warriors that the spotlight is now on them to deliver on the park.

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