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Gerrard keen to ‘move on now’ after he skips over Sky translation row

Image for Gerrard keen to ‘move on now’ after he skips over Sky translation row

At his pre-match media conference on Tuesday Steven Gerrard was happy to take his lead from Sky Sports’ translation of an interview with Alfredo Morelos.

His comments provided the lead for rolling news services. Sky News, Sky Sports News, the BBC and other outlets were happy to follow up the original interview with the reaction of his club manager.

The only problem was that the interview was Fake News. As one Colombian journalist put it he had just witnessed the worst translation ever.

Sky made very specific claims about words used by Celtic supporters to Morelos.

One problem, the striker never once referenced Celtic. Social media revealed that the subtitles used bore very little relation to the words spoken by Morelos. It was almost as if someone was trying to drive an agenda of racism against Celtic supporters.

Shortly before kick-off in last night’s matches Sky decided to apologise for the translation that they pushed. Celtic asked for an explanation, not an apology.

Asked about moving on from the issue after watching his side beat Hibs Gerrard told The Sun: “Of course. They’ve said sorry to both clubs and to the player. So we move on from the situation. It’s not on my mind right now. I’m still in the game, if you like.”

Next Sunday Sky Sports will have live coverage of the Aberdeen v Celtic match from Pittodrie.

CLICK HERE for the Sky Sports apology without explanation.

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