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Pathetic- Griffiths reacts to ‘Sectarian storm’ headline over retweet

Image for Pathetic- Griffiths reacts to ‘Sectarian storm’ headline over retweet

Leigh Griffiths has responded to the headline news after he clicked retweet then delete on a message sent last night.

The Sun quickly picked up on the retweet and turned it into a ‘Sectarian Storm’ with quotes from Nil By Mouth soon following.

Within an hour of the story being published Griffiths returned to Twitter to explain what had happened.

Footballers need to be exceptionally careful with everything that they touch on social media, clicking on like or retweet can quickly put them in the spotlight.

Griffiths is currently enjoying his best run of games in 18 months as he teams up with Odsonne Edouard to lead Celtic’s title charge.

Neither striker was on the scoresheet last night but with five team-mates contributing it was another very satisfactory night for Griffiths and the Celtic support.

On Tuesday Griffiths was on media duty to preview the match against Hearts but after today’s minor storm it’s unlikely that he’ll be in front of the cameras and Dictaphones again for a while.

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