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‘Knows the city’ ‘probably would have signed Duffy and Kenny’ ‘What could go wrong?’ Lennon to Newcastle spoof reels them in

Image for ‘Knows the city’ ‘probably would have signed Duffy and Kenny’ ‘What could go wrong?’ Lennon to Newcastle spoof reels them in

A spoof Twitter account claiming that Newcastle’s new owners want to bring in Neil Lennon as manager has gone down a treat.

Newcastle Xtra has just over 400 followers but their tea time tale quickly attracted hundreds of replies with not everyone seeing through the unlikely appointment.

After 18 months of negotiations Newcastle are in new ownership linked to Saudi Arabia with Mike Ashley picking up £300m after years of trying to get rid of the club. Crucially he has merchandise sales tied up with his friends at Castore.

Lennon left Celtic in February after presiding over a disastrous season, since quitting he has given a number of media interviews without accepting any blame for last seasons events at Celtic.

There has been speculation linking the former Leicester City midfielder with managerial jobs at Salford City and the Ireland international side but it looks more likely that his future is in media work.

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