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Stewart Robertson tells Ibrox shareholders that player sales aren’t needed

Image for Stewart Robertson tells Ibrox shareholders that player sales aren’t needed

Stewart Robertson has told the AGM of The Rangers International Football Club (formerly Sevco 5088 and Sevco Scotland) that player sales aren’t essential in January.

That is contrary to previous comments from former chairman Dave King who had his £6m loan plus interest repaid.

Since Wigan paid out £1.75m for Josh Windass in August 2018 the Ibrox club haven’t been able to record a seven figure transfer fee with token payments coming in for Greg Docherty and Young McCrorie.

With losses of £23.5m on turnover of £47.7m for the year to 30 June 2021 it would seem logical to either reduce spending drastically or increase income to get closer to break-even.

Covering from this morning’s AGM The Sun reports:

Player sales are not essential and the club is on the right tracks financially according to Robertson.

Allan McGregor, Steve Davis, Connor Goldson and Scot Arfield are out of contract in May 2022 with Alfredo Morelos and Ryan Kent tied up until May 2023.

Fortunately in Scotland there is no recognisable form of Financial Fair Play and no appetite for it among clubs happy with the status quo.

Last month Robertson told a meeting with Club 1872 that the company was on track to produce a profit next season.

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  • Jimmy says:

    FFP is not an issue if investment is secured in return for shares, which is how sevco operate. Quite simply they have people willing to invest in return for shares and are indifferent to Celtic sites calling them confetti, toilet paper etc etc. Shame Celtic cant call on like type individuals.

  • Kyogos Dream Team says:

    Auld Speccy telling the Knuckodraggaz whit they want tae hear soz ST Moneys safe fur nxt yr! Quite Simply win the League & these Cunts are BUST!!

    • Peter Cassidy says:

      As I have said on here before if the directors and investors are willing to keep putting in money into the rangers well they will they are in to deep now not to do so if more investment needed then they will put it in.as a business its madness way to run it this way but if they get into the cl money that would help a bit but they still have big overheads every year and will still need player sales etc still a big if .

  • Dando says:

    Robertson will be correct that they’ll produce a profit next year….. anything less than a £23.5m p/a loss with be his explanation of said profit (;-0)

  • John mcghee says:


  • Derek Duncan says:

    Sevco lying filth.

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