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Last gasp agony for bears as official partner calls off £629 Ajax day trip

Image for Last gasp agony for bears as official partner calls off £629 Ajax day trip

Late last night hundreds of Ibrox fans were informed that their day trip to Amsterdam had been cancelled- by the club’s own authorised Travel Agent.

Loyal bears, most on the My Gers Gold Loyalty Band, had paid £629 to fly to Amsterdam today with the flight initially rerouted to Brussels- cutting down on tourist time for the wealthy fans.

At 8.30pm last night the emails and text messages went out that the 7am flight to Brussels wouldn’t be leaving Glasgow Airport.

Worse was to follow last night when the venture was cancelled leaving bears with virtually no chance of making alternative plans. The good news is that they will be refunded at some stage.

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1 comment

  • Scud Missile says:

    More ammunition for the CHISLER King for his chums in the press to attack the current board with.
    Watch this space.

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