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Bleep Bleep! What Ange Postecoglou said straight after Celtic’s win at Tynecastle

Image for Bleep Bleep! What Ange Postecoglou said straight after Celtic’s win at Tynecastle

It was probably the most pressurised, stressful match of the season, fortunately at the end of 95 plus minutes Celtic had overcome the odds to claim full points.

Nick Walsh went beyond the five minutes stoppage time indicated, Hearts constantly shelled the ball into the Celtic penalty box but eventually the final whistle was blown.

Instantly Ange Postecoglou felt the relief being shared by thousands of Celtic fans watching on television.

It was a bizarre match utterly dominated by the officials as they toyed with VAR to produce a match that would never been as close if Tony Ralston’s goal had stood or if Celtic had been awarded and scored a first half penalty.

At his Friday media conference Postecoglou said he was ambivalent to VAR, not many lip readers would have picked that out from his comments above.

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  • Frankie says:

    We don’t want help we want honesty with these type of decisions, as usual Scottish refereeing what a shambolic muppet show outfit probably the worst on the planet , these clowns make up the rules as they go along.

  • KC67 says:

    Still waiting on the VAR lines for the Abada “off side”.

    Laughable stuff from the usual suspects.


    They are not Clowns.

    They are corrupt, racists and bigots.

    It’s no longer a case of subjective interpretation or reasoning by match officials or paranoia on behalf of the Celtic fans.

    Their much vaunted VAR technology proves it beyond doubt.

    Offsides that never were with no supporting var lines broadcast to prove the legitimacy of their decision. Stonewall Penalty not referred to VAR by referee or by VAR officials inviting referee to look at monitor, which is not just part of their remit but their duty.

    The Lanarkshire Refereeing Association has always been the ‘ tail that wagged the dog’ with the SFA, complicit as they are in the institutionalised racism and religious bigotry, afraid to rock the boat.

    This Country is a cess pit. Multicultural they claim. That is unless you’re from a Irish and/ or Catholic background.

    The worst part is the silence from Local and National Government who are afraid to confront the situation as it means publicly opposing the Orange Order and dealing with the ‘hordes from the DebtDome’.

  • John Copeland says:

    With the inception of VAR in this country ,eventually , why did the governing bodies not introduce a new 20 minute sit down after each game ,with match officials and scoop reporters to discuss the whys and wherefores of each particular game that day ? Is that too much to ask ,or are they so afraid of the answers given ! It’s obvious after Saturday one , the inconsistencies are there just like it was without the digital officials ………. Modern technology ,eah .

  • Thomas Anderson says:

    Well we now have to beat the opposition + the referee & the 3 VAR officials to win matches and have to add on another 5 minutes at least to the match

  • Mikey says:

    Excellent result. Beating both Hearts and the system which will be against us all season and seasons ro come….winning games without a penalty since April not like one club in particular…

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