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Rangers Tax Case sets the record straight over Manchester City comparisons

Image for Rangers Tax Case sets the record straight over Manchester City comparisons

News that Manchester City have been hit with over 100 charges from the EPL brought some predicatable comparisons to what happened to Rangers in 2012.

While there are a few minor similarities such as disguising payments to players and management and a refusal to co-operate with the questions from the football authorities there are far more differences.

Rangers received next to no punishments from the SFA or SPL. A fine of £250,000 was applied for years of fielding ineligible players with a registration ban placed on a club that went into administration, four months before a CVA was turned down to kick off the liquidation process. Understanding of administration was highlighted by Ally McCoist trying to sign Daniel Cousin while the club refused to pay HMRC.

The issues at Rangers were brought on by actions from HMRC- the SFA and SPL did nothing to punish the disgraced club which had been using players that they couldn’t afford for over a decade. So far there has been no sign of HMRC action against Manchester City.

From 2000 to 2011 a scheme of disguised remuneration was used to recruit players to the club. This was confirmed by the Supreme Court in July 2017, it wasn’t a programme of EBTs as the club claimed since there were side-letters guaranteeing the ‘discretionary’ payments.

From September 2011 Income Tax and National Insurance deductions weren’t passed on to HMRC, they were retained and used to keep on paying the wages of players who were generally winning matches to deprive opponents of points and players of bonus payments.

As ever with no regular media source prepared to publish and explain the truth Rangers Tax Case is required to set the record straight.

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