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Tom English can’t help himself in email trail

Image for Tom English can’t help himself in email trail

If there is one thing that Tom English should do today it is steer clear of Twitter.

Last week the Chief Sports Writer of BBC Scotland let out a lot of anger with a piece on Brendan Rodgers followed by an appearance on the Off The Ball podcast where he couldn’t hide his contempt for everything involving Celtic’s new manager.

Apparently Rodgers is livid that Ange Postecoglou got the Spurs job, with no worthwhile football contacts outside of Gorgie Road English doesn’t have a clue about what Rodgers thinks on any issue.

We do know all about English’s disdain and hostility for all matters Celtic, he can’t hold back from expressing it.

With no grasp of football matters social media, especially Twitter and message-boards allows English to pretend that he knows what is going on.

It is also useful for his opinion forming, pick up on some extreme comments, highlight them and counter-argue to demonstrate what a reasoned, good guy he really is.

Being the last standing cheer-leader for Craig Whyte is a very touchy subject for English who was employed by The Scotsman at the time while he attempted to find a way into BBC Scotland. An Irish voice hostile to Celtic and Neil Lennon certainly ticked a few boxes.

During 2011 English was constantly pushing the case for the new owner of Rangers, it made him prominent when social media was exposing every detail about the former billionaire.

There are email trails that very few people are aware of but one high profile Twitter account has access, trying to take on Rangers Tax Case isn’t a smart move, it just shines more light on an area best avoided.

A day after the email English concluded his Scotsman column with:

Yes, it’s troubling, no doubt about it. But there was no nirvana option available to Rangers. The club had to accept Whyte’s offer or stick with Sir David and live with the consequences. There was no third way worthy of consideration. Sniping from the sidelines is understandable. For sure, Whyte needs to be scrutinised given the potential horrors that await the club.

But to Paul Murray we ask: “What would you have done?” Once the attempted brainwashing of Sir David into accepting liability for a £49m tax debt ended in failure, what was the alternative?

And the answer is, there wasn’t one.

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  • Bob (original) says:

    Tom English is not the sharpest crayon in the box, is he?


  • Davie says:

    Tom Hee Haw, he talks like a donkey and knows Hee Haw about football.

  • Tony B says:

    So House Paddy was on Off the Ball? Coincidence or BBC Sport Scotland orchestrating its anti Celtic agenda?

    Editor: A commercial podcast from Ireland with English using BBC equipment to endorse commercial firms such as Gillette.

  • Ton says:

    Tom had his grubby hands on the failed sevco dossier during covid. He has never gotten over it.

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