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True Blue Todd shares his wild holiday exploits

Image for True Blue Todd shares his wild holiday exploits

While Celtic players prepare to win their third trophy of the season Todd Cantwell has given his adoring followers a glimpse into his superstar lifestyle.

The former Norwich starlet seems to be in the mood on what looks like a wild night of entertainment at a Dinner Dance with a third rate singer followed by high jinks with his security team.

As the lads sang along to Simply The Best staunch Cantwell shouted Up The Rangers, perhaps Allan McGregor, Ryan Kent or Andy Halliday can teach him the specially adapted words. At least one of his minders realised the value of shouting WE ARE THE PEOPLE.

After five months of failure it seems Cantwell has found his home from home at Ibrox. Much like Micky Beale he has been ignored almost all of his life but has discovered his happy place where the fans and media hang on his every word.

Norwich fans quickly tired of their Pooundshop Grealish, living the life on social media and being brushed off as irrelevant on the football pitch.

Todders holiday plans promise to be comedy gold, hopefully he will be dropping in on Benidorm and Magaluf and getting some close up experiences with adoring bears.

CLICK HERE for the wacky holiday videos of a C-lister.

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  • Tony B says:

    Wanky holiday videos surely?

  • Magua says:

    Up The Rangers? If I was an advisor to Mr Cantwell, I would advise him that a shorter version-Up The Ra-would go down well with the uber-staunch.

    Hail Hail

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