Keith Jackson has put the paranoid thoughts inside Ibrox about the SPFL into print.
According to the award-winning Daily Record reporter there are some inside the 11-year-old club that believe that Neil Doncaster and Murdoch McLennan are in place to carry out the orders of Celtic’s Peter Lawwell.
There is plenty of murky water around since the summer of 2012 when Doncaster drove through the Five Way Agreement with Lawwell later laughing as he told shareholders at the 2019 Celtic AGM that he hadn’t even seen the document.
Using Doncaster and McLennan as the bogey men of Scottish football has served the Ibrox club well down the years, covering up the failings of their own club at various levels.
In tandem with their fan-media partners the notion has been pushed that the SPFL are to blame for the lack of trophies at Ibrox rather than the disastrous decisions to appoint and invest in various management teams.
Since the Easdale regime was ousted at Ibrox in March 2015 Celtic have won five trebles with St Johnstone taking as many trophies to Perth as the True Blues in the Ibrox boardroom have delivered.
Discussing the breakthrough in relations between ‘dynamic and progressive’ Ibrox chairman John Bennett and the SPFL, Jackson tells Daily Record readers:
Let’s be absolutely blunt. For some years now there has been a strongly held belief inside the command centre at Ibrox that Doncaster and McLennan have been cleverly and deliberately placed in positions of power in order to facilitate the orders of Celtic’s Peter Lawwell.
Paranoia has a long history of running rampant in this particular city whenever one of these two sides is dominating the other on the pitch. But Bennett seems determined not only to free his club from the shackles of suspicion but also to bring an end to an era of finger jabbing and constantly seeking to blame others for what, in the main part, has been the club’s own mistakes and failings.
The SPFL hold their AGM today with Michael Nicholson standing down from the Board, incoming Ibrox chief James Bisgrove is one of five candidates for the three Premiership places on the board.
Ibrox hypocrites!
Truth is a difficult concept for them.
“Dynamic and progressive”, on what evidence has that been established. That’s an updated version of succellent lamb. …Jackass is so far up the Ibrox club’s @rse, you can see Tom English’s boots
I can’t remember big inaction ,or any other Record scoop complaining or criticising when ex the Rangers player Gordon Smith was given the head bummer job at the SFA back in the day . Remember when the Ibrox organisation went into full corrupt ,illegal EBT mode , big smudger denied all knowledge of the fact under his watch ? Supremely competent ,eah ! Once again at the daily Record Kharsi roll ,it’s selective criticism and praise for Celtic FC and the other clumpany ….. and we know which gets which , don’t we ?
what an image, ’House Paddy’ the Colonial tea boy firmly embedded up the DebtDome’s colon. S
Lolololol, SFATHENADIROFCHIFTINESS, I never actually pictured it until now
‘to bring an end to an era of finger jabbing and constantly seeking to blame others for what, in the main part, has been the club’s own mistakes and failings.”
That’s perilously close ti the truth, the horde will not be pleased. Keef will be made the ludge goat for that…
It’s not just about Doncaster though, is it?
sevco will never be happy until the SPFL is wholly subservient to their demands.
The Ibrox club will continure to be a pain in the @rse for the whole of Scottish
football, regardless of CEO.
Delusional, divisive and desperate.
Just like the old club then. 🙁
A pain in the @rse for the whole of Scottish Football – I’d say you’re too polite !
They are more like an aggressive cancer eating Scottish Football apart and the sooner Sevco are deed like Rangers the better for the whole of the game here in this rancid (through them) football country…
It wasn’t Doncaster or McLennan that appointed thw beead man Warburton or Caxinha the bush man.
It was Doncaster or McLennan that signed the deal with Mike Ashley which will hamstring the value for years to come.
And it certainly wasn’t Doncaster or McLennan that signed other contracts which have led to court appearances galore over the last five years.
I think they need to look a little but closer to home for their on-going issues.
Lol look at poor me say the sevco klan base and board,it’s almost Huw Edwards like sympathy they are putting out there.
Knowing they have done wrong but blaming everyone else but themselves then looking for sympathy,F**K OFF.