
Grade One ref criticises Dougie Dougie


Grade One referee Charlie Richmond has broken ranks with the SFA and admitted that Dougie McDonald should be punished.

Despite lying to the referee observer and lying to Neil Lennon McDonald got off with a warning from the SFA’s Referee.

Richmond hasn’t been given a single SPL match this season but such is the secrecy that the SFA work in that he hasn’t been given any reason for being demoted.

Less than a year ago Steve Conroy was one of the rising stars on the refereeing circus but like Richmond has been quietly eased out of the picture without a word of explanation.

McDonald has been given the full backing of Hugh Dallas but after his high profile mistakes and lies Richmond believes that Dougie Dougie can’t be taken seriously as a referee.

“We have been trying to get current referees and current managers to work together,” he told the BBC. “But, if you tell a lie to a fellow professional, it is going to tarnish that relationship.

“It makes it very, very difficult because every decision is now going to be highlighted in such a vigorous manner.”

Richmond added: “As a referee, you have to stay within the lines on and off the field of play and this is what we are questioning with Dougie and therefore the punishment should be according to that, not his refereeing ability.

“As a referee, you are seen there as the man with the laws and the rules and he should conduct himself in this manner.

“I don’t think Dougie McDonald’s refereeing ability is in doubt here, it is just the way he has conducted himself.”

Having effectively been demoted by Dallas’s secret Referee Committee Richmond has little to lose by speaking out- he’s not going to bounce back and enjoy the perks of European travel and generous expenses again.

After years as a top level ref he’s no longer given SPL matches and without being told directly why he has been denied top flight games understands whats going on.

“I haven’t been told anything, not face to face,” he added.

“But I have a good idea and I can just gather that, at the current moment, I am refereeing in the football league.”

Prepare for further demotion Charlie and the Ayrshire Juniors!

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  • Joe says:

    This is needed more. Craven said there were more. Dallas lied bare faced about it and said he didn’t know what Craven was talking about.

    Well, here it is from another ref. These refs who are being bullied by Dallas and his clique need to see this is the one and only opportunity they are ever going to get to change the Scottish game forever.

    Those who have something to say and don’t are probably in the same frame of mind as Dallas and the rest of the cheat brigade.

    Two very well respected guys have spoken up. Come on guys, the rest of you can make history and change the Scottish game! Speak up and get the scum out of our game.

  • I really hate to say this,but the Celtic supporters voicing anger at the SPL and SFA are wasting their time.

    At the end of the day Dallas will retain his crown and McDonald his puppet will continue to sing and dance at his tune.PERIOD.

    The best and ONLY avenue is Celtic FC to use the clout they have. Can you imagine the SPL without Celtic?

    It would become a Sunday pub football league. Absolutely!!Our meaning in the football world would be dead. Small clubs would go bankrupt.

    This coming Celtic AGM is paramount in using your vote.

    Celtic Must use their power.


  • Stevie says:

    This is pretty shocking statement from a Grade 1 Referee – he does not know why he was demoted.

    Does this mean he has been recieving acceptable performance scores of 8+ and has been demoted.

    If his scores were consisteently below 8 he would know why he has been demoted.

    Very suspicious indeed but not surprising given the reputation of the referee committee!!

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