
Stewart Regan statement promises little- still no apology


SFA Chief Executive Stewart Regan has issued a statement promising a wind of change to refereeing issues- but is powerless to  deliver.

Last week’s events at Hampden confirmed that Regan is virtually powerless with the committee structure of the SFA carrying the real authority.

Regan has promised change in an interview on the SFA website but gives no timetables and is unlikely to find turkeys voting for an early Christmas and the end to their days on the gravy train.

Despite widespread criticism of Dougie Dougie, including from fellow referee Charlie Richmond, the new man in ‘charge’ of the SFA is vowing to stand by his man.

Regan vowed: “It is now up to Dougie to learn from what has happened and use his experience to overcome the inevitable scrutiny he will undoubtedly be under when he resumes refereeing this weekend.

“Dougie now has to show strength of character to recover from a very public aberration but, in a wider context, the Scottish FA has to acknowledge that the process was flawed.”

Reintroducing Dougie Dougie into the SPL will be quite an achievement- how will he handle Neil Lennon without any sign of an apology three weeks after lying to the Celtic manager?

“Referees will be written to and reminded of their responsibilities in managing the game and providing accurate information at all times on and off the pitch,” Regan added.

“We cannot have football without referees but we must also be able to trust them and rely on them for honesty at all times.

“They will be told that all information is accurately submitted to their senior managers and that they conduct themselves with integrity at all times.”

Transparency and accountability seem to be the most popular words applied by critics of the SFA with Regan willing to address those issues.

The farcical structure that saw a committee full of his former colleagues and the Chairman of Cove Rangers punish Dougie Dougie with a slap on the wrist is also a concern for the new CE.

Interestingly Regan opted to use the phrases political baggage and hidden agenda to address his take on the issues.

He said: “The investigation into events at the recent Dundee United v Celtic was effectively independent since I had only just started as chief executive and, as an Englishman, arrived with no political baggage and no hidden agenda.

“Where I think there is an issue is whether a Referee Committee consisting largely of former referees was the correct avenue for a disciplinary case against a current referee.

“This is something I hope will be a catalyst for positive change in the processes and efficiency across the spectrum of the Association’s responsibilities.

“This is not an implied criticism but rather an acknowledgment that we have to change to manage the demands of the modern game.

“I will be seeking to ensure a greater urgency, transparency and openness in all future decision making. The Association has to embrace an era of instant information and I hope to produce a suite of measures to re-establish faith in our systems.”

There are no specific promises in the interview, no timetables for change and no apology for an official of the SFA lying to the manager of Celtic and subsequent claims from the Head of Refereeing during his round of interviews.

Regan already seems to have become submerged in the beaurocracy of the SFA sending out positive sound-bites without having the means to put his words into action.

With Hugh Dallas continuing to call the shots on all refereeing matters the new CE of the SFA carries all threat of a forward line consisting of Filip Sebo and James Beattie.

SFA Statement

Grade One ref criticises Dougie Dougie

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  • Stevie says:

    Stewart Regan announces that Dougie Dougie stays so lying is fully condoned by the SFA

  • Mike Bhoyle says:

    I was still hopeful of a favourable outcome for Celtic….
    ’til I read your last line…..
    I’ve now given up……
    Nice one Joe…

  • Joe says:

    The problem is still there and will remain there until the other officials that Steven Craven mentioned show a pair and tell the truth like he did.

    Stewart Regan and Dallas are far too arrogant to think this is serious. They think it is going to go away. A storm in a teacup! They have been allowed to get away with this garbage for years. They have gone unquestioned for years. They have cheated for years.

    They have lied for years, Dallas has encouraged other refs to do his dirty work for him. We still have a few bad eggs out there and as long as that arrogant little scumbag Dallas is where he is without reprimand things aren’t going to change and eventually, the SFA and refs expect that the media and fans are going to turn on Celtic.

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