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It’s the SFA and Beaton on trial today, not Morelos

Image for It’s the SFA and Beaton on trial today, not Morelos

The frayed credibility of the SFA is on the line today.

On Saturday at Ibrox John Beaton turned in an incredible performance missing four red card incidents involving Alfredo Morelos. Had the match referee did his job Steven Gerrard’s side would have been down to ten men and without the Colombian striker for their next fixture, away to Kilmarnock.

For the fourth time this season the Compliance Officer is expected to step in and retrospectively punish players for offences committed against Celtic. Beaton will be in familiar company with Bobby Madden, Willie Collum and Kevin Clancy.

Retrospective punishments don’t help Celtic, they won two of the matches ad drew the other fixture that the referee failed to apply the rules. Brendan Rodgers side could have been two points and a good few goals better off if the referees had did their job.

The introduction of the Compliance Officer is now being seen as a sop to clubs let down by poor refereeing decisions even if the four involved in Celtic matches are on the so-called elite FIFA list.

If Morelos is punished he has the opportunity to appeal or sit out the matches at Kilmarnock and Livingston through suspension, at least.

Should the SFA and their system fail to issue at least two two match suspensions they’ll be giving the green light for players to boot lumps out of opponents then cite the Morelos precedent if they SFA decide on retrospective action.

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