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UEFA takes no action over Palestine displays at Celtic Park for Atletico match

Image for UEFA takes no action over Palestine displays at Celtic Park for Atletico match

Celtic won’t be punished by UEFA for the displays of support for Palestine throughout the Champions League match at home to Atletico Madrid on October 25.

Ahead of the match Celtic issued a statement urging fans not to bring flags, banners or emblems relating to the war in the Middle East with Palestine under attack round the clock from Israel.

Thousands of supporters ignored that statement with images from the stadium going viral with the distinctive green, white and red flag prominent.

With 25m Twitter followers Mesut Ozil shared his respect for the fans that brought the plight the Palestinian people to a global audience.

Before and after the match it was expected that UEFA would fine Celtic with some howling about a partial stadium closure as a follow up to a fine in 2016 after Palestine flags were on display for the match against Hapoel Be’er Sheva.

One month of from the match against Atletico UEFA dished out their latest round of punishments with no mention of Celtic.

Disciplinary action on six matches was announced on November 6, yesterday a further six matches were judged on by UEFA’s Disciplinary Committee with no mention of either Celtic match against Atletico.

Next week Celtic are away to Lazio with a ticket allocation of 3,600, about one third of the number of fans that were in the Olimpico Stadium in 2019 for a Europa League tie.

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  • Mickybhoy71 says:

    The zionist uefa regime did take action against celtic, they selected controlled referees to give us no chance of qualification. They can’t have a fan base who have morals getting exposure in their corrupt competition

  • Bob (original) says:

    Everybody could see the inconsistency and absurdity of ANY potential punishment

    for displaying Palestinian flags, when UEFA was forcing the UKrainian flags and

    support down supporters throats over the preceeding 18 months or so.

    It was our own Board which was trying to scare the paying fans from displaying

    Palestinian flags.

    Questionss are:

    – why was the Celtic Board so out of touch with UEFA in this matter?

    – we have the supposedly well connected, PL on the ECA Board:

    why was he – supposedly – so ignorant of UEFA’s stance?

    Just another example of the Board misleading the paying supporters…?

    I don’t trust the Board.

    Editor: ECA is a talking shop, full of ideas, proposals, working parties blah blah blah to feed some egos while UEFA try to keep around a dozen clubs at bay from forming a breakaway league.

    • Bob (original) says:

      Agreed about ECA:

      point is that PL is touted as being ‘connected’ and highly experienced, re:UEFA.

      I certainly remember that being mentioned as a justification for bringing him

      back as ‘Non-exec’ Chairman.

      This flag episode suggests the contrary:

      as a club, we don’t seem to know what is going on at UEFA ?

      Editor: Touted by his mates who are very reliant on praising their Supreme Leader. reality as ever is a little different.

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Not much they can do about flags…

    But we need to be helluva careful with The Banners !

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