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Brendan Rodgers’ shock explanation over lack of squad time for two summer signings

Image for Brendan Rodgers’ shock explanation over lack of squad time for two summer signings

There are a few variables that players work on and develop on the training ground but personality isn’t one of them- especially for central defenders.

That however was highlighted by Brendan Rodgers today when he was asked about the lack of involvement for Gus Lagerbielke and Maik Nawrocki in the Celtic squad.

Over the last two months Liam Scales and Cameron Carter-Vickers have been developing their partnership with loan signing Nat Phillips as back up in their position.

Modern recruitment involves a variety of factors but coming to Glasgow personality has to be obvious for anyone wanting to succeed. Players are sounded out in advance, face-to-face talks are held before the deal is completed, before the four or five year contract is offered and signed.

Asked what is required from Lagerbielke and Nawrocki, Rodgers was direct in his reply in the 9th minute of today’s media conference:

It’s always personality. There are clearly players ahead of them. What always ticks my attention is training, I’m out there every day watching training and when I see players train and work with that personality they will edge closer to my thinking.

Unfortunately, for Maik and Gustaf, Scales has come to the team and has really taken his opportunity. Nat Phillips has been a great positive influence. It’s an area of the team you don’t want to change too much.

Developing personality doesn’t normally fall in the remit of a coach.

The loan deal with Phillips expires in January which should create a vacancy on the bench but since the signings of Lagerbielke and Nawrocki Stephen Welsh signed a new contract.

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  • Johnno says:

    Any team that is going to set up with a back 4 requires that partnerships between keeper and 2CB to be rock solid?

    It simply isn’t at present, and even more so from set plays, especially from corner kicks.
    2 weeks on the trot, we have Taylor of all players thrown into the mix.

    So why is he even in there, especially when you expect the keeper or CB to deal with the ball been delivered into such an area?

    It’s not unlike every team targeting to be targeting Taylor as an out ball, with knowing that they should win the first ball and gives them the opportunity to play for the second ball?

    Instead we stick him in an area where you have to win the first ball from a corner kick?
    2 ridiculous goals conceded, with 2 points dropped with this ridiculous set up?

    For a manager within Rodgers, who I expected improvements upon the finer details within the game, for ourselves to improve upon, and yet leaving glaring errors still upon the whole setup from defending set pieces is a concerning factor at present imo?

    And it’s not like we are any good with the attacking options when we get them ourselves either?

    So is there actually a set piece coach in the building for ourselves at present, because it remains a total shambles in both areas of the pitch currently, and expected far better from Rodgers in addressing the issues also imo

  • the maister says:

    Lagerbielke and Nawrocki? Just what is going on there?
    CCV is the first pick and Lagerbielke is left-sided, so he drops out and Injury has side-lined Nawrocki!
    So, we have two Centre-half’s, presumably up to the standard of Starfelt, who they were brought in as replacements for, not getting a game for us because they are not shining in training and / or Rodgers doesn’t want to upset the current (successful in his eyes)_ centre-half partnership.
    It fockin stinks if you ask me!
    Lagerbielke won at Ipox and we paid what, £4M for Nawrocki!
    Are the two we’re playing just now the best combo? Probably not!
    Buying good pros to sit on and warm a bench is not good football policy. But what the fock do our executive know about it anyway?
    Again, it is Celtic season ticket holders who pay the bills for the utter incompetency of our Board in football matters!

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