
Time for Alex Salmond to shut up about Celtic's business


Alex Salmond sectarianism newsAlex Salmond has claimed that Celtic won’t prosper without Rangers.

The First Minister’s comments are a direct contradiction of Peter Lawwell’s interview earlier in the week when he discussed Celtic’s stand alone policy and how they weren’t dependent on any one else.

Celtic’s audited accounts for the six months to December 2011 showed a reduction of bank debt and no outstanding tax issues.

Since the announcement of Craig Whyte’s intention to take Rangers into administration politicians have been falling over themselves to sympathise with the club despite Rangers withholding £9m of tax since May of last year.

According to the STV website Salmond told David Frost in an interview to be broadcast tomorrow on Al Jazeera: “The most diehard Celtic supporter understands that Celtic can’t prosper unless Rangers are there.

“The rest of the clubs understand that as well, therefore you have to have cognisance of these things when you are pursuing public policy.

“Obviously HMRC have got to pursue in the public interest, taxation. Equally, they’ve got to have cognisance of the fact that we’re talking about a huge institution, part of the fabric of the Scottish nation as well as Scottish football, and everybody realises that”.

It’s unsure which Celtic diehards that Salmond has consulted with but a phone call to Lawwell would quickly put the First Minister in his place unless he wishes to encourage more clubs to deduct Income tax and national insurance without passing the payments on to HMRC.

CLICK HERE for SNP comment on Rangers tax case

CLICK HERE  for Police question for Rangers v Kilmarnock

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  • bhoylondon67 says:

    Is this not the man who insisted politics have no place in football?

  • Johnp says:

    Celtic supporters, as a unified group, in conjuction with the supporters of Scotland’s other cheated clubs, should initiate a campaign to nip the media campaign in the bud to let Rangers off with minimal punishment.

    The media and the politicians seem to be out of touch with the views of the general public (what a shock, eh!). I have hardly spoken to one Celtic fan who wants to save them as an SPL club. the fans of other clubs seem to have similar views.

    Of course Yorkston is a spineless no mark that DAFC fans need to hammer for his expected capitulation.

    Any idea of a NewCo or Pheonix club should be opposed. If others vote for this Celtic fans need to boycott their grounds for ever.

  • JoeG says:

    As we have witnessed for years and years, many people with far too much power in Scotland have their affiliations with the tax dodging club from Govan. This I have no issue with at all. But when they start to bring it into their decisionmaking, then it affects the rest of the country and indeed their wellbeing. What could have been done with this stolen tax money? Why should any old age pensioner say “ach, let them off with this”? Why would anyone sit back and condone the corruption which has used their personal funds, and those of their families, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, and grandparents? Make no mistake, this is total corruption and the worst part is that these same people in power knew about it. If they deny this, we have to ask, “why are they in a position of trust and power”?
    Condone and support for such a corrupt organization is a hard slap in your faces. I know how I reacted when I was slapped, or worse.

  • yogI says:

    Remember Salmond’s comments at election time, it is the only way to get him and the other Ibrox Park glove puppets.

    We shall prove we do not need these poison individuals in our world and I cant wait to see the game operate without them.

  • Dean Kelly says:

    These blue noses are getting what they deserve. Alex Salmond is obviously a non Catholic and his loyalities lay with Rangers FC – he does NOT represent the Catholic / Celtic vote.

    Dean From Luton

    • JoeG says:

      Respectfully Dean, the very point we have been making is that this should never be about catholic and non Catholic issues. The reason they are in this mess is because they are anti-Catholic while all along we have proven beyond any shadow of doubt that we open our arms to all. Salmond is an idiot, his religion won’t change that part.

  • Brian says:

    “Equally, they’ve got to have cognisance of the fact that we’re talking about a huge institution”

    What did he mean by this bit? Did he mean they should go easy on them, give them more time? If he did then he should be slaughtered for it, Rangers should have to pay the full amount outstanding, every penny and right now and if that means selling every asset to get them there then so be it.

    To even suggest or hint at any relaxation because its Rangers is shameful, they are remember in the eyes of their fans the most “loyal” of all Clubs and don’t they love telling us it. They should not get off with one penny.

  • Willie says:

    Typical Politician…sticking his nose in without knowing what he is talking about.

    I’d hoped you had learned from the utter stupidity of your comments about the Diof affair and the disgraceful scenes caused by Rangers FC that night….apparently NOT

    Stick to Politics Eck as you clearly know NOTHING about Football, a Jambo huh well I rest my case 🙂

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