The SPL ‘rebel 10’ are hoping to convince Duff and Phelps that major change to the SPL will be in Rangers best interests.
A meeting of the 10 non-Glasgow clubs has already taken place with changing the 11-1 voting structure the main priority.
Ironically it will require a vote using the current formula to bring about change with the 10 non-Glasgow clubs apparently in agreement about the need for change which hopes to provide a more balanced split of television and commercial income.
After confirming that a new tv deal with Sky Sports remains unsigned Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnston confirmed to Radio Scotland that winning Rangers around is next on the agenda.
If Rangers go into liquidation any newco or phoenix company would have to apply to the SFA and SPL for membership with the Kilmarnock chairman hinting that all round change could be beneficial.
Hinting towards cutting a deal with Rangers Johnston said: “Celtic is going to be a tough call in view of what Peter (Lawwell) has said this week but we always knew that, that’s why we weren’t actually engaging with them in the planning for this meeting.
“The administrators of Rangers are in a totally different position, I think that they have to take a broader public interest view.
“They are in a very delicate position, they are looking for favours all over the place, from HMRC and various bodies and who knows what lies ahead for them.
“They have to keep their options open I would have thought and take a broad view of what’s in the best interests, not just of Rangers plc, but Scottish professional football.
“Are they going to side as they have done traditionally as a club with Celtic in order to keep their grip on things or will they take a broader more expansive view of what’s in the best interests of the future of Rangers.”
Confirming their motives Johnstone added: “All 10 clubs signed the requisition calling for this meeting and there’s only one thing on the requisition and that is to change the voting structure to change the requirement for a 90% (11-1) majority and replace it with a 9-3 vote instead of an 11-1.”
Johnston dismissed suggestions that the ‘rebel 10’ would be looking for a change to the policy on gate money which sees the home club retain all the gate/season ticket money.
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That will never happen, rangers are never going to let there share of the money go down. They need all the money they can, so it’s a none starter.
Of course this is in Rankers best interest.
1)they need these guys to vote a newco back in .
2) a Celtic with their wings clipped is a far more financially hanicapped side thus allowing a financially embarrassed Rankers to compete!
This plan is full of flaws….
If Rangers go bust…they have to apply to join the SFA and then the SFL….they would also need 3 years of accounts, which of course a New Plums FC won’t have.
If they don’t go bust…they should be relegated for grossly infringing the rules regarding dual contracts by losing all such games involving said players 0-3.
In either case they won’t have ANY voting power as they won’t be part of the SPL.
These other teams might LIKE to cut a deal to suit THEIR own needs, but they can’t rip up the entire rulebook to make it happen overnight.
More hot air from Killie who are simply desperate for money….but who’s fault is that. They have ripped Celtic & Rangers fans off for years so deserve all they get. These provincial clubs cost the SPL loads of money by knocking back better TV deals now they want to rule the roost….dream on.